JDK 11 hotspot build fails with "Undefined symbol" on AIX

Bhaktavatsal R Maram bhamaram at in.ibm.com
Wed Apr 11 02:27:54 UTC 2018

Hi David,

Thank you. I had given some more details in my mail. But, for some reason, text in my mail was missing. Anyway, missing symbol is frame::frame(long*,unsigned char*)

ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .frame::frame(long*,unsigned char*)
ld: 0711-344 See the loadmap file /home/bhamaram/openJDK/jdk11/build/aix-ppc64-normal-server-release/hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/libjvm.loadmap for more information.

I see that definition of that function is present in src/hotspot/cpu/ppc/frame_ppc.inline.hpp

inline frame::frame(intptr_t* sp, address pc) : _sp(sp), _unextended_sp(sp) {
  find_codeblob_and_set_pc_and_deopt_state(pc); // also sets _fp and adjusts _unextended_sp

Bhaktavatsal Reddy


-----David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote: -----
To: Bhaktavatsal R Maram <bhamaram at in.ibm.com>, "hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net" <hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net>
From: David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>
Date: 04/11/2018 03:21AM
Cc: build-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: JDK 11 hotspot build fails with "Undefined symbol" on AIX


On 11/04/2018 1:44 AM, Bhaktavatsal R Maram wrote:

<nothing - only an attachment was present >

Based on the attachment content (see below) this seems a hotspot issue 
for the AIX/PPC folk to fix. So moving over to hotspot-runtime-dev.


ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found.
	The following symbols are in error:
  Symbol                    Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR 
                               RLD: Address  Section  Rld-type 
Referencing Symbol
  .__ct__5frameFPlPUc       [2169]  ER PR 
                                    00000028 .text    R_RBR    [1444] 
                                    00000044 .text    R_RBR    [1444] 
ER: The return code is 8.

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