RFR: JDK-8215445: Enable building for Windows in WSL

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Thu Dec 20 18:55:00 UTC 2018

On 2018-12-20 13:47, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks to huge help from Andrew Luo, we now have a patch that adds 
> support for building OpenJDK for Windows using WSL as the Unix layer 
> instead of Cygwin. I have made some adjustments, mostly to keep it 
> working in Cygwin. I have also run it through some testing, mostly to 
> make sure there are no regressions to the current Cygwin support. This 
> includes a COMPARE run which showed no regressions as well as 
> comparing a WSL and Cygwin build, which showed no unexpected differences.
> I'm happy to see that on my Windows Workstation, the time to run "make 
> bundles" is considerably faster in WSL, about 8m40s compared to 12m55s.
That's really good news!
> It should be noted that testing is still not fully supported. We will 
> likely need to adjust some tests to work correctly in WSL and it's 
> also possible that jtreg will also need adjustments.
> (For internal Oracle developers, Jib does not support WSL yet)
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215445
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8215445/webrev.02/index.html
A few remarks:

* In the documentation:

(either by setting the individual
+directory as case insensitive using fsutil

This should probably read something like "all individual directories in 
the source code tree", since it is not enough to modify the top level 
directory (case sensitivity flag is not inherited).

* In Images.gmk, I still believe the proper solution is to use FIXPATH, 
instead of EXE_SUFFIX.

* In spec.gmk.in:


Maybe we don't need DEBUG_FIXPATH? Leftover from a debug session?

* In toolchain.m4, I think this is a left-over from an older version 
before the path rewriting:

'ERROR.*UtilTranslatePathList' | $HEAD -n 1 | $TR -d '\r'`

(and a similar at line ~1000).

Apart from these minor issues, the patch looks great! Fantastic work, 
Andrew and Erik!


> /Erik

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