bash configure fails on missing javah

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Wed Jan 3 08:12:38 UTC 2018

The build hasn't used javah in a long time, so the configure check for 
it is just a left over that we forgot to clean up. It should certainly 
be removed and we will be forced to do it once we switch to JDK 10 as 
boot jdk for 11.

Note though that we will not switch to JDK 10 as boot for 11 until we 
have an actual release of 10. Until then, the boot JDK for the 
development of 11 will remain as 9. In the past, this interim situation 
was pretty limited in time so we rarely had to deal with it. With the 
new release schedule, we are going to be in this situation a lot more, 
so the build documentation needs to be updated to explain this.


On 2018-01-03 05:05, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> I agree configure should not fail if javah is not found.  A high quality
> configure test would first check if javac -h works, then fall back to javah
> if that works, regardless of the boot jdk's version.
> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 6:33 AM, Nir Lisker <nlisker at> wrote:
>> I'm trying to build OpenJDK 11 as instructed here:
>> When executing `bash configure
>> --with-import-modules=jfx_path\rt\build\modular-sdk`
>> (I've build JavaFX) the build fails:
>> checking for java in Boot JDK... ok
>> checking for javac in Boot JDK... ok
>> checking for javah in Boot JDK... not found
>> configure: Your Boot JDK seems broken. This might be fixed by explicitly
>> setting --with-boot-jdk
>> configure: error: Could not find javah in the Boot JDK
>> configure exiting with result code 1
>> The boot JDK is 10, which does not have javah anymore, so it is no
>> surprise. I could point boot JDK to a previous version, but I don't think I
>> should need to. What I should do?
>> Nir

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