bash configure fails on missing VS tools dir

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Jan 4 16:09:09 UTC 2018

Thanks! I've filed


On 2018-01-04 16:30, Nir Lisker wrote:
> Yeah, make also completed successfully:
> Finished building target 'default (exploded-image)' in configuration 
> 'windows-x86_64-normal-server-release'
> This is what I did in toolchain_windows.m4:
>     if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_BITS" = x32; then
>        VCVARSFILE="vc/bin/vcvars32.bat"
>     else
> #     VCVARSFILE="vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat"
>        VCVARSFILE="vc/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat"
>     fi
> If you need any extra info I can update.
> - Nir
> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 5:23 PM, Erik Joelsson 
> <erik.joelsson at <mailto:erik.joelsson at>> wrote:
>     If this works for you, we should update configure to look for both.
>     /Erik
>     On 2018-01-04 14:51, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>     It seems to have accepted vcvarsx86_amd64.bat quietly. Configure
>>     succeeded:
>>     Tools summary:
>>     * Environment:    cygwin version 2.9.0(0.318/5/3) (root at
>>     /cygdrive/c/cygwin64)
>>     * Boot JDK:      java version "9"  Java(TM) SE Runtime
>>     Environment (build 9+181)  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
>>     (build 9+181, mixed mode)  (at /cygdrive/c/progra~1/java/jdk-9)
>>     * Toolchain:      microsoft (Microsoft Visual Studio 2013)
>>     * C Compiler:     Version 18.00.31101 (at
>>     /cygdrive/c/progra~2/micros~1.0/vc/bin/x86_am~1/cl)
>>     * C++ Compiler:   Version 18.00.31101 (at
>>     /cygdrive/c/progra~2/micros~1.0/vc/bin/x86_am~1/cl)
>>     Hopefully all this would be helpful to someone in the future.
>>     On with the rest of the steps...
>>     Thanks,
>>     Nir
>>     On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 2:36 PM, Erik Joelsson
>>     <erik.joelsson at <mailto:erik.joelsson at>> wrote:
>>         On 2018-01-04 12:45, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>>         Yes, that did it, completed successfully. Thanks.
>>>         Now the next problem with "bash configure":
>>>         configure: error: Target CPU mismatch. We are building for
>>>         x86_64 but CL is for "x86"; expected "x64".
>>>         If that's the cl.exe which is in the same folder as vcvars,
>>>         I noticed that in toolchain_windows.m4 that the script can
>>>         try to find vcvars64.bat:
>>>            if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_BITS" = x32; then
>>>               VCVARSFILE="vc/bin/ <>t"
>>>            else
>>>         VCVARSFILE="vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat"
>>>            fi
>>>         But this file doesn't exist in the VS 12.0 or 11.0
>>>         installations. The change I made to the above in order to
>>>         solve the "missing" VC/bin dir was to force using
>>>         "vc/bin/vcvars32.bat" (because /amd64 doesn't exist), which
>>>         I guess was not smart and caused the above error.
>>>         Here is the list of all vcvars in the VS installations:
>>>         <>
>>>         Note that VS 2017 has vcvars64.bat.
>>>         Maybe vcvarsx86_amd64.bat in VS 2013 is fine?
>>>         By the way, would building JDK 10 be any different in terms
>>>         of compatibility? I already built OpenJFX 11 and I only need
>>>         the JDK for that purpose. If JDK 10 can work here and is
>>>         easier to build I'm fine with that.
>>         It seems the Visual Studio Express edition did not include
>>         the native 64bit compiler:
>>         <>
>>         When we updated to VS 2013 in JDK 9, we used the professional
>>         edition internally, which comes with the 64bit native
>>         compiler. For OpenJDK, we were still able to build 32bit with
>>         the express edition so we were fine with that. In JDK 10 and
>>         11 32bit is not as well supported.
>>         The vcvarsx86_amd64.bat seems to be a 32bit to 64bit cross
>>         compilation toolchain. I would try that and see what happens.
>>         In theory it should work, but there may be a few more details
>>         to fix to get it all the way.
>>         /Erik
>>>         On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 12:55 PM, Erik Joelsson
>>>         <erik.joelsson at <mailto:erik.joelsson at>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             I think you also need the "Wrapper scripts for autoconf
>>>             commands". Was a long time since I did this.
>>>             /Erik
>>>             On 2018-01-04 11:40, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>>>             I get "-bash: autoconf: command not found".
>>>>             Here's an image of the autoconf packages in the cygwin
>>>>             installer in case I didn't install the right one:
>>>>             <>
>>>>             Do I need to add some directory to the PATH env
>>>>             variable? I'd imagine cygwin would know where it
>>>>             installed it.
>>>>             - Nir
>>>>             On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 10:29 AM, Erik Joelsson
>>>>             <erik.joelsson at
>>>>             <mailto:erik.joelsson at>> wrote:
>>>>                 Can you run "autoconf --version" on the command line?
>>>>                 /Erik
>>>>                 On 2018-01-03 16:33, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>>>>                 Hello Erik,
>>>>>                 I installed autoconf 2.69-3 through cygwin (indeed
>>>>>                 it was listed as 2.5). However, running "bash
>>>>>       " still gives:
>>>>>                 You need autoconf installed to be able to
>>>>>                 regenerate the configure script
>>>>>                 Error: Cannot find autoconf
>>>>>                 If I run "bash configure" I get
>>>>>                 Configure source code has been updated, checking
>>>>>                 time stamps
>>>>>                 Running
>>>>>                 And that's it. I checked
>>>>>                 and it contains only comments and no script.
>>>>>                 In I tried adding a print to help with
>>>>>                 debugging:
>>>>>                 AUTOCONF="`which autoconf 2> /dev/null | grep -v
>>>>>                 '^no autoconf in'`"
>>>>>                 echo "AUTOCONF is ${AUTOCONF}"
>>>>>                 which prints
>>>>>                 AUTOCONF is
>>>>>                 Apologies for the mess. How do I continue?
>>>>>                 - Nir
>>>>>                 On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Erik Joelsson
>>>>>                 <erik.joelsson at
>>>>>                 <mailto:erik.joelsson at>> wrote:
>>>>>                     Hello Nir,
>>>>>                     On 2018-01-03 15:34, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>>>>>                     Thanks for the detailed reply.
>>>>>>                     Iv'e changed the logic in
>>>>>>                     toolchain_windows.m4 and got this message:
>>>>>>                     Configure source code has been updated,
>>>>>>                     checking time stamps
>>>>>>                     Warning: The configure source files is newer
>>>>>>                     than the generated files.
>>>>>>                     Cannot locate autoconf, unable to correct
>>>>>>                     situation.
>>>>>>                     Please install autoconf and run 'bash
>>>>>>           ' to update the generated files.
>>>>>>                     Error: Cannot continue
>>>>>>                     I downloaded autoconf 2.69. How do I point to
>>>>>>                     it? There is no installation.
>>>>>                     If you downloaded the src distro, then you
>>>>>                     need to compile and install it with something like
>>>>>                     $ ./configure
>>>>>                     $ make
>>>>>                     $ make install
>>>>>                     On Windows it's probably easier to just get it
>>>>>                     through cygwin. Note that the cygwin installer
>>>>>                     probably still lists autoconf as an old
>>>>>                     version in the name, but last I checked it was
>>>>>                     2.69 that they actually provided. On Linux,
>>>>>                     just use your favorite package installation
>>>>>                     tool (apt, yum etc).
>>>>>                     As long as it's on the path, will
>>>>>                     pick it up. Configure will also detect that
>>>>>                     you changed an .m4 file and run for
>>>>>                     you automatically, which is what happened to
>>>>>                     you above.
>>>>>                     /Erik
>>>>>>                     On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:24 PM, Erik Joelsson
>>>>>>                     <erik.joelsson at
>>>>>>                     <mailto:erik.joelsson at>> wrote:
>>>>>>                         Hello Nir,
>>>>>>                         On 2018-01-03 13:05, Nir Lisker wrote:
>>>>>>                             When trying to build JDK 11 on
>>>>>>                             Windows 10 with VS Express 2013
>>>>>>                             Update 4 (as
>>>>>>                             stated in the docs - the highest
>>>>>>                             supported version) the build fails:
>>>>>>                         AFAIK, this should work, though I have
>>>>>>                         only ever used VS 2013 Professional.
>>>>>>                             bash configure
>>>>>>                             --with-tools-dir='C:\Program Files
>>>>>>                             (x86)\Microsoft Visual
>>>>>>                             Studio 12.0\VC\bin'
>>>>>>                         If VS is properly installed in the
>>>>>>                         default location, there should be no need
>>>>>>                         to specify --with-tools-dir. Configure
>>>>>>                         will look in the default location
>>>>>>                         automatically.
>>>>>>                             ...
>>>>>>                             configure: Found Visual Studio
>>>>>>                             installation at /cygdrive/c/Program Files
>>>>>>                             (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/
>>>>>>                             using --with-tools-dir
>>>>>>                             configure: Warning:
>>>>>>                             vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing,
>>>>>>                             this is probably
>>>>>>                             Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>>>>>>                             configure: Found Visual Studio
>>>>>>                             installation at /cygdrive/c/Program Files
>>>>>>                             (x86)/ using --with-tools-dir
>>>>>>                             configure: Warning:
>>>>>>                             vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat is missing,
>>>>>>                             this is probably
>>>>>>                             Visual Studio Express. Ignoring
>>>>>>                             configure: The path given by
>>>>>>                             --with-tools-dir does not contain a valid
>>>>>>                             configure: Visual Studio
>>>>>>                             installation. Please point to the
>>>>>>                             VC/bin or
>>>>>>                             VC/bin/amd64
>>>>>>                             configure: directory within the
>>>>>>                             Visual Studio installation
>>>>>>                             configure: error: Cannot locate a
>>>>>>                             valid Visual Studio installation
>>>>>>                             configure exiting with result code 1
>>>>>>                             /Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/bin/
>>>>>>                             does not contain an /amd64 folder,
>>>>>>                             instead it has /x86_amd64. Also,
>>>>>>                             vcvars64.bat is located directly under
>>>>>>                             /VC/bin.
>>>>>>                         This is strange. Looking at the configure
>>>>>>                         source, we assume that the VS
>>>>>>                         installation should contain
>>>>>>                         "vc/bin/amd64/vcvars64.bat". If that file
>>>>>>                         isn't found, configure doesn't recognize
>>>>>>                         the VS installation. Unfortunately I
>>>>>>                         don't have an Express installation to
>>>>>>                         look at, but my old professional
>>>>>>                         installation has that file. In VC/bin I
>>>>>>                         only have vcvars32.bat.
>>>>>>                         I'm pretty sure this layout was how the
>>>>>>                         express edition used to look as well.
>>>>>>                         Otherwise Magnus wouldn't have written
>>>>>>                         the build doc claiming it would work.
>>>>>>                         This means the file layout for Visual
>>>>>>                         Studio 2013 has changed, or that it's
>>>>>>                         different on Windows 10 (our builds are
>>>>>>                         on older versions of Windows still).
>>>>>>                         If you would like to try to fix this, the
>>>>>>                         logic that needs updating is in
>>>>>>                         make/autoconf/toolchain_windows.m4, in
>>>>>>                         the macro
>>>>>>                             Iv'e made another attempt using
>>>>>>                             /Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/bin/
>>>>>>                             which
>>>>>>                             resulted in the same error. This
>>>>>>                             folder also has vcvars64.bat directly
>>>>>>                             under it. It also contains an /amd64
>>>>>>                             folder with a couple of dlls inside.
>>>>>>                             Since I'm specifying the path to the
>>>>>>                             /VC/bin dir I don't understand why
>>>>>>                             it's still complaining. What am I
>>>>>>                             doing wrong?
>>>>>>                         Because of how different the versions of
>>>>>>                         Visual Studio are, configure will not
>>>>>>                         automatically assume or try a different
>>>>>>                         version than the default without being
>>>>>>                         told to. If you want to try 2012, you
>>>>>>                         need to tell configure using
>>>>>>                         --with-toolchain-version=2012. No need to
>>>>>>                         specify tools dir as long as it's
>>>>>>                         installed in the default location.
>>>>>>                             On a related note, is it possible to
>>>>>>                             update the build requirements to work
>>>>>>                             with VS 2017? OpenJFX already uses
>>>>>>                             this version.
>>>>>>                         This will likely happen in JDK 11 time
>>>>>>                         frame. Note though that changing
>>>>>>                         compilers is usually a pretty big effort
>>>>>>                         so it will take a while.
>>>>>>                         /Erik
>>>>>>                             - Nir

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