[PATCH] Freetype Directory Bug On zLinux

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 12 14:37:24 UTC 2018

On 01/12/2018 03:29 PM, Adam Farley8 wrote:
> On zLinux, freetype's .so file is typically installed in
> /usr/lib/s390x-linux-gnu, however the generated configure script doesn't
> look for it there.

Odd. Normally I would expect it to look in the locations that are
set through /etc/ld.so.conf{,.d}

> This causes configure to fail. I know you can avoid that with options, but
> I think a fix would be better.
> If we add this code to lib-freetype.m4 (line 365) and re-run autogen.sh,
> this fixes the problem.
> if test "x$FOUND_FREETYPE" != xyes; then
>     if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH" = xs390; then
> [$FREETYPE_BASE_DIR/lib/s390x-linux-gnu], [well-known location])
>     fi
> fi
> Thoughts?

Seems like a workaround for an actual bug to me. Also, on Debian s390x,
the directory for shared libraries is also /usr/lib/s390x-linux-gnu:

glaubitz at zelenka:~$ ls -dl /usr/lib/s390x-linux-gnu
drwxr-xr-x 29 root root 28672 Dec 18 08:20 /usr/lib/s390x-linux-gnu
glaubitz at zelenka:~$

And I'm quite sure we don't have a quirk in the Debian openjdk package
in the form of a patch. So, I'm not sure why the configure doesn't work
in your case.


  .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz at debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de
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