adding additional numbers to the Java version string

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Thu Jul 19 17:30:38 UTC 2018

At Google we use --with-version-opt to put in local version data - that
works for us.

--with-version-patch is also available for third party build use.

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 6:54 AM, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at>

> Since JEP 223 specifies an arbitrary length (something I had missed
> before), I agree the build should support a few extra version numbers.
> /Erik
> On 2018-07-18 13:22, Tony Printezis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> According to the Java version string spec (JEPs 223 and 322) the first
>> part
>> of the version string is a sequence of numbers separated by periods. The
>> sequence can be of arbitrary length. However, in the OpenJDK configure
>> scripts, the sequence length is fixed to exactly four numbers.
>> For our internal builds we’d like to add at least one additional number to
>> the version string. Is there any interest in a change to the scripts to
>> allow that?
>> I’ve prototyped this in a generic way (can add up to 3 additional numbers,
>> called “extra1”, “extra2”, and “extra3”). These are set by passing
>> --with-version-extra(1|2|3)=… to configure. If they are not set, the
>> version string is of course exactly the same as it was before. I also
>> changed the way the value of --with-version-string=… is parsed to be able
>> to also extract the additional three numbers, if present.
>> Would this be generally helpful?
>> Tony
>> —————
>> Tony Printezis | @TonyPrintezis | tprintezis at

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