JDK 8 Build Issue(s)

David Buck david.buck at oracle.com
Sun Jul 22 11:34:27 UTC 2018

Hi Max!

Not much to go on here [0]. For what it's worth, I was able to clone 
8u-dev and build it on Mint 18.3 Cinnamon (w/ JDK 7u80 as the boot JDK) 
without any issues. The Mint VM image I used was new and the only thing 
I did before building the JDK was run an apt-get update/upgrade cycle 
and apt-get install g++).

I would also point out that Mint is not one of the platforms officialy 
supported by Oracle for building JDK 8 [1]. While Mint and other 
Ubuntu-based systems tend to work pretty well for building OpenJDK, you 
might have an easier time starting off by building on something closer 
to what we develop and test on.


[0] http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

[1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Build/Supported+Build+Platforms

On 2018/07/22 0:17, mr rupplin wrote:
> I get a cannot compile for a "generic linux" when trying to build OpenJDK 8 on Mint.
> Thanks,
> Mr. Rupplin
> /sr software dev

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