RFR: Update build documentation to reflect compiler upgrades at Oracle

Michal Vala mvala at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 10:21:48 UTC 2018

Hi Erik,

yes, I understand that. I'm pointing out to current inconsistency between 
documentation and code. There is currently no overlap (2010-2013 in doc vs 2015+ 
in code). I understand that VS version will go up, but it's not the case yet.

Also keep the code backward compatible is not a bad thing unless it rise above 
some maintenance cost, which is now just one function call in test 
(JDK-8208084). Right? I wouldn't force backward compatibility neither, but this 
is too easy to fix to throw away whole feature.

This discussion should probably go to JDK-8208084 RFR, as this one is solved I 

On 07/24/2018 06:05 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> Hello,
> We will most likely need to drop support for older VS in JDK 12 as there is much 
> interest to move to a later C++ standard in Hotspot. That change has not 
> happened yet though and will certainly require a JEP (the C++ standard change 
> part). In the meantime, if you need JDK 12 to work on VS2013, I think your 
> change makes sense (unless it's a step backwards from a standards perspective, 
> hopefully Kim or someone better versed in language and standard libs can answer 
> that).
> I would recommend upgrading your build environment to VS2017 instead if 
> possible. You only need the "BuildTools" distribution to build OpenJDK. The 
> community edition also works. Installing it in parallel with VS2013 works fine. 
> JDK 11/12 builds will automatically pick 2017 and JDK 8/9/10 will automatically 
> pick 2013.
> /Erik
> On 2018-07-23 23:06, Michal Vala wrote:
>> Aha, this is for 11. It's ok then.
>> On 07/24/2018 08:02 AM, Michal Vala wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 07/23/2018 07:13 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> The build documentation needs to be updated to reflect the compiler updates 
>>>> that took place at Oracle for JDK 11.
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208096
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8208096/webrev.01/
>>>> /Erik
>>> OpenJDK is currently not buildable with Visual Studio <2015 due to missing 
>>> `snprintf`[1].
>>> We should either update the doc to minimal version 2015, or commit 
>>> JDK-8208084 from another RFR[2].
>>> [1] - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208084
>>> [2] - http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/build-dev/2018-July/022748.html

Michal Vala
Red Hat Czech

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