[Fwd: Re: Build breakage with system jpeg and lcms and jdk-11+18]

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 25 16:57:42 UTC 2018

On 06/25/2018 04:35 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> Adrian, any update on this? Is there a bug open? We need this fix for
>> our future JDK 11 packages.
> Sorry, I was traveling over the weekend. I should be able to do it later
> today.

Bug report is:

> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8205616

Webrev coming.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz at debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de
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