JDK 12 RFR of JDK-8205615: Start of release updates for JDK 12 / JDK-8205621: Increment JDK version for JDK 12

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at oracle.com
Tue Jun 26 17:11:37 UTC 2018

This generally looks good. Having it all consolidated helps a lot, and we are slowly chipping away at reducing this for each release.


 118         V55(55, 0),   // JDK 11: constant dynamic
 119         V56(56, 0);   // JDK 12

We can add nestmates to the list of stuff in 11


> On Jun 26, 2018, at 9:30 AM, joe darcy <joe.darcy at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> On 6/26/2018 2:23 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 25/06/2018 19:10, joe darcy wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> With the JDK 11 and 12 split fast approaching [1], it is time to work on the various start of release update tasks for JDK 12. Those tasks are being tracked under the umbrella bug JDK-8205615: "Start of release updates for JDK 12".
>>> This thread is to review the build-related portions of the work including JDK-8205621: "Increment JDK version for JDK 12." Current webrev:
>>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/8205615.4/
>>> A handful of test failures still need to be addressed, so there will be some minor adjustments to the aggregate set of changes before they are pushed.
> Slightly modified version now up in
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/8205615.5/
> * Changed projected ship date in make/autoconf/version-numbers
> * Some changes and merges to jdeprscan; I'll ask Stuart to review those
> Some hotspot test changes in the work too based on a separate review thread.
>> I looked through the changes with the exception of javac and test/langtools and it all looks okay to me. The updates to the tests, for MR JARs in particular, look fine.
> Hopefully after this round of changes the MR JAR tests won't need any more updates when we go from 12 -> 13 and beyond.
>> I see David brought up the -source/-target 12 in SetupJavaCompilers.gmk. I assume it wouldn't be too hard to have that use the value from DEFAULT_VERSION_FEATURE.
>> Keeping 10 in the list of DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_BOOT_VERSIONS seems right for now, I assume 10 will be dropped from that list as soon as 11 ships.
> That is my understanding of the policy discussion from Mark:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-dev/2018-April/001075.html
> Thanks,
> -Joe

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