RFR: JDK-8199606 Set -lc as global LIBS on solstudio

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Wed Mar 14 18:14:58 UTC 2018

On 2018-03-14 17:23, Phil Race wrote:
> I suppose you re-applied this patch after merging with my freetype 
> changes
> but have not fixed up that new section since I still see ..
>  612       LIBS_solaris := -lc, \
> .. which I had to add .. to my surprise .. so this patch is welcome
> but it presumably can remove line 612 too ?

Yes, I noticed that when I rebased my patch to the latest changes. Thank 
you anyway for pointing it out to me!

I updated the patch to remove the new -lc for libfreetype as well.


> -phil.
> On 03/14/2018 04:17 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> We should always use -lc when linking with solstudio. All other 
>> toolchains do this automatically. This also means that -lc is 
>> unnecessary for other platforms, where it has been set in some cases 
>> (due to the old confusion where "solaris" really meant "unix").
>> I have tested this using COMPARE_BUILD. Unsurprisingly, there are 
>> differences, but they are expected. On macosx and linux, libunpack 
>> has disassembly differences (they had previously an explicit -lc). On 
>> linux, the same also goes for libjli, libawt_xawt, libfontmanager and 
>> libsunec.
>> On solaris there are even more differences. Now all libraries get 
>> explicitely linked with -lc, which means binary/disassembly 
>> differences in multiple libraries.  We also get a deps difference for 
>> libjsig and librmi, which were previously compiled (successfully, for 
>> a change! :-)) without -lc. Finally, we get a symbol difference for 
>> libjava.We're missing symbols like: "a s_finite.c" and "t finite", 
>> and we have one less duplicate of "r two54". I can't say I understand 
>> why, but it does seem harmless.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8199606
>> WebRev: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ihse/JDK-8199606-set-lc-as-GLOBAL_LIBS/webrev.01
>> /Magnus

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