<AWT Dev> [12] Review Request: 8212680 (JDK12b14/Solaris-sparc) SplashScreen::getSplashScreen call fails with ULE: "libsplashscreen.so: ld.so.1: java: fatal: libz.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory"

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Fri Nov 30 00:31:11 UTC 2018

On 11/29/18, 9:38 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 28/11/2018 20:24, Philip Race wrote:
>> Not something we want to do if there's any way out of it.
>> can we just disable PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED in
>> pnglibconfig.h which is something that is "generated" and not part of 
>> the png source ?
>> I don't see anything that is important enabled by that option.
> I added the new option since I am not sure how important the usage of
> which is also controlled by PNG_SET_OPTION_SUPPORTED, it also may 
> affect some other options
> which will be added later.

As I said, I don't see anything important ...
> So the current fix adds the new property, as if it was added by the 
> pnglib maintainer,
> and reuses this property for our purpose(comment default define in 
> "pnglibconfig.h"
> and enable it in some cases in makefile).
> BTW the small clarification for other questions in the thread:
>   the changes in upstream library is in "png.h" file only, the 
> "pnglibconf.h" is our config on how
> to build the lib.

Right, that is why I suggested confining the change to that file.


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