RFR: 8211296: Remove HotSpot deprecation warning suppression for Mac/clang

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Tue Oct 2 20:51:40 UTC 2018

> On Oct 1, 2018, at 7:10 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 2/10/2018 4:35 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>>> On Oct 1, 2018, at 2:27 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On 1/10/2018 1:21 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>>>> The current library may have been previously only dlopen’ed with RTLD_LAZY.  Reopening with RTLD_NOW
>>>> forces resolution of all undefined symbols in that shared object, which appears to be the purpose of the
>>>> deprecated function.
>>> The current library is libjvm and it's already opened in the appropriate way:
>>>   libjvm = dlopen(jvmpath, RTLD_NOW + RTLD_GLOBAL);
>>> and it seems to have always been opened this way. So I can't see how this can fix the problem the workaround purports to fix??
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/macosx-port/macosx-port/hotspot/rev/be94a5de4d32#l54.758
>> The current version of LoadJavaVM (for Mac) contains:
>> #ifndef STATIC_BUILD
>>     libjvm = dlopen(jvmpath, RTLD_NOW + RTLD_GLOBAL);
>> #else
>>     libjvm = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_FIRST);
>> #endif
>> where STATIC_BUILD is controlled by the --enable-static-builds
>> configure option. The --enable-static-builds option was added in JDK 9
>> by 8136556: Add the ability to perform static builds of MacOSX x64
>> binaries.
> Which "current version" is this? It is not what is in jdk/jdk repo, which has no STATIC_BUILD support in this area. ??

I think the MacOSX version of LoadJavaVM is here:
(Note that this appears to be an Obj-C source file.)
(And no, I have no idea what build magic goes on to make this work.) 
This has the STATIC_BUILD stuff.

There are also definitions for other platforms.
./java.base/windows/native/libjli/java_md.c       // Windows
./java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md_solinux.c  // Solaris/Linux/AIX
(Note that java_md_solinux.c is excluded for macosx by the build
system; see LIBJLI_EXCLUDE_FILES in CoreLibraries.gmk.)

> Although we may have not used RTLD_NOW with static builds (does this discussions re symbol resolution even make sense with a static build?)

I think symbol resolution can make sense with a static build, if there
are other libraries that are not statically linked. I don't know
whether that's the case here. I'm going to try doing a static build
without this dlopen code and see what happens.

> in some version of the JDK, my point is that we have been using RTLD_NOW for as long as the workaround has been in place.
> That strongly suggests to me that use of RTLD_NOW is not a solution to the problem the workaround was introduced for.

I think my replacement code is equivalent to the deprecated code.  I
think the sequence of events may have been something like:

(1) dlopen java lib without RTLD_NOW
(2) run into problems that led to workaround code
(3) run into further problems that led to dlopen java lib with RTLD_NOW
    but didn't remove the now superfluous workaround (perhaps it was
(4) merge

>> I thought this part of the change would be straight-forward. An
>> alternative would be to leave the old deprecated call in place,
>> locally disable the deprecation warning, and file an RFE for someone
>> more knowledgable in this area and with Mac development to look at.
> Sorry for the obstructions on this but changing the code without knowing it even implements the same workaround is just wrong to me. I strongly suspect the code is not needed at all.

I agree that for the non-STATIC_BUILD case the workaround is
superfluous. If a static build without any workaround code works then
I think the workaround code should just be removed.  Is that okay with

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