RFR(8u): 8211933: [8u] hotspot adlc needs to link statically with libstdc++ for gcc7.3

Kevin Walls kevin.walls at oracle.com
Wed Oct 24 23:16:04 UTC 2018


I'd like to get a review of an 8u change:

8211933: [8u] hotspot adlc needs to link statically with libstdc++ for 


Essentially adds -static-libstdc++ for linking adlc during an 8u build. 
This is needed e.g. when we build with gcc7.x using our devkit bundle 
and we won't necessarily find a correct version of that library on the 

(Things are still very different in 9+ compared to 8u, despite all our 
changes this year...)
I find that changing the definition of

STATIC_STDCXX = -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic

...in gcc.make is a problem, the linked VM fails to load with "undefined 
symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual"

If using STATIC_STDCXX as it's already defined, to build adlc, then adlc 
doesn't statically link again libcstd and it gives the symbol version 
not found error.  So defining a separate STATIC... var for adlc keeps 
everyone happy.

Many thanks

bash-4.2$ cd jdk8u-dev/hotspot
bash-4.2$ hg diff
diff -r 992120803410 make/linux/makefiles/adlc.make
--- a/make/linux/makefiles/adlc.make    Mon Oct 22 05:26:38 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/linux/makefiles/adlc.make    Wed Oct 24 16:15:07 2018 -0700
@@ -105,9 +105,15 @@

  all: $(EXEC)

+ifeq ($(STATIC_CXX), true)
  $(EXEC) : $(OBJECTS)
         @echo Making adlc
-       $(QUIETLY) $(filter-out $(ARCHFLAG),$(HOST.LINK_NOPROF.CXX)) -o 
+       $(QUIETLY) $(filter-out $(ARCHFLAG),$(HOST.LINK_NOPROF.CXX)) 

  # Random dependencies:
  $(OBJECTS): opcodes.hpp classes.hpp adlc.hpp adlcVMDeps.hpp 
adlparse.hpp archDesc.hpp arena.hpp dict2.hpp filebuff.hpp forms.hpp 
formsopt.hpp formssel.hpp
diff -r 992120803410 make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make
--- a/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make     Mon Oct 22 05:26:38 2018 -0400
+++ b/make/linux/makefiles/gcc.make     Wed Oct 24 16:15:07 2018 -0700
@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@

  # statically link libstdc++.so, work with gcc but ignored by g++
  STATIC_STDCXX = -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic
+# While the VM needs the above line, adlc needs a separate setting:
+ADLC_STATIC_STDCXX = -static-libstdc++

  ifeq ($(USE_CLANG),)
    # statically link libgcc and/or libgcc_s, libgcc does not exist 
before gcc-3.x.

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