defpath extension won't work with jdk/submit

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Mon Sep 3 15:32:10 UTC 2018

On 09/03/18 07:25, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> Hi guys,
> this is still not resolved. I am still unable to do hg defpath -du
> <user> on jdk-submit:
> thomas at mainframe /shared/projects/openjdk/jdk-submit/source $ hg
> defpath -du stuefe
> abort: Repository not found
> No hgrc files updated
> Is defpath not supported anymore?

It is in the code-tools project, so it is supported by the community.

I got as far as reproducing the problem you reported.  I spent time 
looking at strace and tcpdump packet traces, but did not reach any 
conclusions.  What is most puzzling is that two other mercurial repos 
work fine with

Results of creating fresh clones and running 'hg defpath -du tbell':


I am heading out today to catch a flight for vacation.  Until I return 
on the 12'th I am going to have to suggest you take the workaround of 
editing your jdk/submit/.hg/hgrc file by hand.  It pains me to say this, 
but I don't have a better solution today.

For jdk/submit, you want the paths section of your .hg/hgrc file to look 
like this, with your OpenJDK username in place of mine ('tbell'):

default =
default-push = ssh://


> Thank you,
> Best Regards, Thomas
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 8:49 AM, Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stuefe at> wrote:
>> Adding the push path manually to hgrc works fine, so I use that as a workaround.
>> Thanks, Thomas
>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stuefe at> wrote:
>>> Thank you Tim. Happy to know it is not my setup. Lets see what ops says.
>>> Best, Thomas
>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 1:58 AM, Tim Bell <tim.bell at> wrote:
>>>> Thomas:
>>>>> when trying to run hg defpath to set the paths to the jdk12 submit
>>>>> repo (, it fails:
>>>>> thomas at t450:/shared/projects/openjdk/jdk-submit/source$ hg defpath -du
>>>>> stuefe
>>>>> abort: Repository not found
>>>>> No hgrc files updated
>>>> Adding the ops list <ops at> in case others have seen this.
>>>>> But it works for the submit repo for jdk11
>>>>> (, and there it updates the
>>>>> .hg/hgrc just fine.
>>>> FWIW, I see the same thing.  I don't have an explanation yet.
>>>> I created fresh clones and then tried 'hg defpath -du tbell':
>>>> works:
>>>> works:
>>>> fails:
>>>>> Not sure what the problem is. Both URLs are reachable fine in a browser.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> I am stumped at the moment, but I will keep digging.
>>>> Tim

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