Can not build jdk10 under Solaris 11

Andrew Watkins andrew at
Wed Sep 5 15:26:26 UTC 2018


I am sure I am doing something wrong, but having build problems with 
OpenJDK under Solaris.

# gmake
Building target 'default (exploded-image)' in configuration 
Creating support/modules_libs/java.base/ from 1 file(s)
Compiling 8 files for BUILD_TOOLS_LANGTOOLS
Creating hotspot/variant-server/tools/adlc/adlc from 13 file(s)
Compiling 2 files for BUILD_JVMTI_TOOLS
"/var/tmp/jdk10/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/arena.cpp", line 60: Error, 
placementdelmatch: Placement operator new refers to non-placement 
operator delete.
"/var/tmp/jdk10/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/arena.cpp", line 67: Error, 
placementdelmatch: Placement operator new refers to non-placement 
operator delete.
"/var/tmp/jdk10/hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/arena.cpp", line 97: Error, 
placementdelmatch: Placement operator new refers to non-placement 
operator delete.
3 Error(s) detected.
gmake[3]: *** 
Error 2
gmake[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

I can see that there is a bug 8199782 with fixes, but these fixes are 
not in my version? Am I missing a step to get the right jdk10 software?

I tried manually altering the code and got further but no point 
discussing that until I know I am pulling the right code down from openjdk.

Full steps:

# export 
# hg clone
# cd jdk10
# bash
# Repositories:  corba jaxp jaxws langtools jdk hotspot nashorn
                  jaxp:   hg clone jaxp
                 corba:   hg clone corba
                  jaxp:   requesting all changes
                 corba:   requesting all changes
                 corba:   adding changesets
                  jaxp:   adding changesets
                 corba:   adding manifests
                  jaxp:   adding manifests
                 corba:   adding file changes
                 corba:   added 925 changesets with 5504 changes to 2597 
                 corba:   updating to branch default
                 corba:   1201 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
                 jaxws:   hg clone jaxws
                 jaxws:   requesting all changes
                 jaxws:   adding changesets
                 jaxws:   adding manifests
                  jaxp:   adding file changes
                  jaxp:   added 1217 changesets with 15333 changes to 
8488 files
                  jaxp:   updating to branch default
                  jaxp:   3343 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
             langtools:   hg clone langtools
             langtools:   requesting all changes
             langtools:   adding changesets
                 jaxws:   adding file changes
                 jaxws:   added 850 changesets with 21898 changes to 
10824 files
                 jaxws:   updating to branch default
                 jaxws:   3757 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
                   jdk:   hg clone jdk
                   jdk:   requesting all changes
             langtools:   adding manifests
                   jdk:   adding changesets
            langtools:   adding file changes
             langtools:   added 4297 changesets with 38693 changes to 
11923 files
             langtools:   updating to branch default
             langtools:   8702 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
               hotspot:   hg clone hotspot
               hotspot:   requesting all changes
               hotspot:   adding changesets
               hotspot:   adding manifests
                   jdk:   adding manifests
               hotspot:   adding file changes
               hotspot:   added 13550 changesets with 85505 changes to 
16280 files
               hotspot:   updating to branch default
               hotspot:   9230 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
               nashorn:   hg clone nashorn
               nashorn:   requesting all changes
               nashorn:   adding changesets
               nashorn:   adding manifests
               nashorn:   adding file changes
               nashorn:   added 1990 changesets with 14664 changes to 
4199 files
               nashorn:   updating to branch default
               nashorn:   3310 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
                   jdk:   adding file changes
                   jdk:   added 17762 changesets with 154938 changes to 
50859 files
                   jdk:   updating to branch default
                   jdk:   27320 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files 
removed, 0 files unresolved
# Repositories:  . corba jaxp jaxws langtools jdk hotspot nashorn
                 corba:   cd corba && hg pull -u
                     .:   cd . && hg pull -u
                  jaxp:   cd jaxp && hg pull -u
                 jaxws:   cd jaxws && hg pull -u
             langtools:   cd langtools && hg pull -u
                   jdk:   cd jdk && hg pull -u
               hotspot:   cd hotspot && hg pull -u
               nashorn:   cd nashorn && hg pull -u
                  jaxp:   pulling from
                  jaxp:   searching for changes
             langtools:   pulling from
             langtools:   searching for changes
                 corba:   pulling from
                 corba:   searching for changes
                 jaxws:   pulling from
                 jaxws:   searching for changes
                     .:   pulling from
                     .:   searching for changes
                   jdk:   pulling from
               nashorn:   pulling from
                   jdk:   searching for changes
               nashorn:   searching for changes
               hotspot:   pulling from
               hotspot:   searching for changes
                  jaxp:   no changes found
             langtools:   no changes found
                 corba:   no changes found
                 jaxws:   no changes found
                     .:   no changes found
               nashorn:   no changes found
                   jdk:   no changes found
               hotspot:   no changes found

# bash configure
Configuration summary:
* Debug level:    release
* HS debug level: product
* JDK variant:    normal
* JVM variants:   server
* OpenJDK target: OS: solaris, CPU architecture: x86, address length: 64
* Version string: 10-internal+0-adhoc.andrew.jdk10 (10-internal)

Tools summary:
* Boot JDK:       java version "1.8.0_172" Java(TM) SE Runtime 
Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
(build 25.172-b11, mixed mode)  (at /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.8.0)
* Toolchain:      solstudio (Oracle Solaris Studio)
* C Compiler:     Version 5.15 (at /opt/developerstudio/bin/cc)
* C++ Compiler:   Version 5.15 (at /opt/developerstudio/bin/CC)

Build performance summary:
* Cores to use:   16
* Memory limit:   16384 MB

# gmake
# cat failure-logs/hotspot_variant-server_tools_adlc_objs_arena.o.cmdline
/opt/developerstudio/bin/CC -m64 -DASSERT -DAMD64 
-I/var/tmp/jdk10/hotspot/src/share/vm +w -g0 -xs -erroff=notemsource 
-errtags -errwarn=%all -DTHIS_FILE='"are
na.cpp"' -c -xMMD -xMF 
-o /var/tmp/jdk10/build/sol



Andrew Watkins * Birkbeck, University of London * Computer Science *
* *
* UKOUG Systems SIG Chair *
* UKOUG Tech committee *
* tel: 020 7631 6720 *

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