RFR : 8211213: fix aix build after 8196341: Add JFR events for parallel phases of G1

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Thu Sep 27 12:12:42 UTC 2018

Hello ,
  please review  this small change that fixes our AIX build after  “8196341: Add JFR events for parallel phases of G1”    was pushed .

After  8196341  ,  compile  errors occurred, example  :
/openjdk/nb/rs6000_64/nightly/jdk/src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp", line 3185.15: 1540-0215 (S) The wrong number of arguments has been specified for "JfrEvent::commit()"

This seems to be an xlc compiler bug to me. The overloaded commit function is not resolved correctly,
The xlc-compiler seems to notice only the commit without arguments ,  which is brought into the EventGCPhaseParallel via “using” .
The  3-parameter  commit  is  not taken  ☹  .

The fix replaces the currently used commit-calls  by  set*  + commit()  .
Seems it is done the same way at most (all?) places in hs code .

Webrev/bug :



Thanks, Matthias

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