RFR : 8211213: fix aix build after 8196341: Add JFR events for parallel phases of G1

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Thu Sep 27 14:32:10 UTC 2018


On Thu, 2018-09-27 at 14:16 +0000, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Small  update -   while  my change fixes the  build issues on
> AIX  (and maybe also the issues on zero) ,
> My comment  that the AIX compiler  xlc12 is guilty was most likely
> wrong .
> What happens, is that   INCLUDE_JFR  is  not set  on AIX  (means :
> jfr is disabled on this platform).
> However  , in   the generated file  jfrEventClasses.hpp ,
> We have  different   classes  for  the
> cases   INCLUDE_JFR   and  not  INCLUDE_JFR   .
> The not  INCLUDE_JFR   - versions of the classes  only have the
> commit()  method without  params , and the set*-methods :
> [...]
>   *   Should the  generator be  changed  to generate  the missing
> methods in both cases ?
>   *   Or should in non-JFR case  the  complete event coding  be
> removed/guarded by macros ?

I would prefer the former as the latter just adds more clutter, i.e.


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