RFR (S): 8221880: Better customization for Windows RC properties FileDescription and ProductName

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Apr 3 14:18:04 UTC 2019

Hello Christoph,

I understand your problem, but a complicating factor here is that the 
version-numbers file is currently formatted as a properties file and we 
do consume it as such in other places. While we don't specifically look 
for this property there, I think it sets a bad precedent if we let it 
become a shell script instead. Could you find a solution without 
variable references in version-numbers?

We do override PRODUCT_NAME for our builds, but we do not do it by 
patching the version-numbers file. We do it through the custom extension 
hooks in configure. With your change here, that would no longer work 
unless we override this new JDK_RC_NAME variable explicitly.

I guess I would be OK with JDK_RC_NAME="OpenJDK Platform", but we will 
need a corresponding internal fix very quickly, so please keep me 
updated when such a change is pushed.


On 2019-04-03 01:06, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
> In our downstream build, I'd like to be able to set/customize the value for the Windows RC properties "ProductName" and "FileDescription" via the version-numbers file. These values manifest in Windows executable properties.
> During the build ProductName gets set to "OpenJDK Platform 13" and FileDescription will be "OpenJDK Platform binary". This value is obtained by concatenating \$(PRODUCT_NAME) \$(JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME) in flags-other.m4. Both variables get set in version-numbers. So, if I was to customize the properties, I could change PRODUCT_NAME and JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME in version-numbers. However, modifying the former is no good idea since it is used ubiquitously and has unwanted side effects. On the other hand, I could make an adaption to flags-other.m4, but that diff would be hidden and not in a central place where I'd expect such customizing diffs.
> So, please review this small fix, which allows for modifying these RC properties in version-numbers. The default behavior won't be changed.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221880
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8221880.0/
> Thanks
> Christoph

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