RFR: 8221894: Add comments for docker tests in the test doc

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Apr 8 06:02:51 UTC 2019

Hi Jie,

On 8/04/2019 2:09 pm, Jie Fu wrote:
> Hi David,
> I'm so sorry that I forgot to add you as the reviewer in my previous 
> webrev.
> I have updated in http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiefu/8221894/webrev.02/.

No problem - I'm not really qualified to review this. :)

I have two comments on the proposed text:

1. I think "oraclelinux" should be "Oracle Linux".
2. I don't understand the example as I don't know why Ubuntu 16.04 would 
be considered something "not newer than" OL 7.6. I'm guessing this 
relates to the kernel version in each ?? If so perhaps we should spell 
out what the relevant kernel version is?


> Thanks a lot.
> Best regards,
> Jie
> On 2019/4/8 上午11:44, Jie Fu wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Thank you for your review and very nice suggestions.
>> Here is the updated version: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiefu/8221894/webrev.02/
>> Please review.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Best regards,
>> Jie
>> On 2019/4/4 下午9:41, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> Hello Jie,
>>> Looks good, just some grammatical notes on the first paragraph. Here 
>>> is my suggestion:
>>> Docker tests with default parameters may fail on OS versions newer 
>>> than oraclelinux 7.6.
>>> For example, they pass on Ubuntu 16.04 but fail on Ubuntu 18.04 if 
>>> run like this:
>>> /Erik
>>> On 2019-04-03 20:10, Jie Fu wrote:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> Thank you for your review.
>>>>> Hello Jie,
>>>>> I think this kind of information would fit better under its own new 
>>>>> heading to make it more explicit. Then we could continue filling in 
>>>>> other similar notes for other tests there. At the bottom, something 
>>>>> like:
>>>>> ## Notes for Specific Tests
>>>>> ### Docker Tests
>>>>> <Add basically what you put in the review email here>
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Very good suggestions.
>>>> Here is the updated version: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiefu/8221894/webrev.01/
>>>> Please review.
>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Jie

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