make reconfigure status

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Tue Aug 6 16:50:33 UTC 2019


There was a recent change to the build such that you need to do a 
one-time delete of your build directory, and run configure again. After 
that, "make reconfigure" works as expected.

-- Jon

On 8/6/19 9:45 AM, Alan Snyder wrote:
> In case this is useful...
> I don’t know what the status is of “make reconfigure”, but I suspect it is unsupported because I see no mention of it in the build doc.
> However:
> * It still exists
> * It is mentioned in the output of make
> * It failed when I tried to use it (on macOS 10.15.5)
> The error has something to do with choosing a configuration output directory. Somehow it winds up connected to my home directory and then complains about it.
> I had no trouble running “bash configure”.
> Please rerun configure! Easiest way to do this is by running
> 'make reconfigure'.
> checking where to store configuration... in current directory
> configure: Current directory is /Users/alan.
> configure: Since this is not the source root, configure will output the configuration here
> configure: (as opposed to creating a configuration in <src_root>/build/<conf-name>).
> configure: However, this directory is not empty. This is not allowed, since it could
> configure: seriously mess up just about everything.
> configure: Try 'cd /Volumes/A/JDK/client2' and restart configure
> configure: (or create a new empty directory and cd to it).
> configure: error: Will not continue creating configuration in /Users/alan
> /Users/alan/configure-support/ line 82: 5: Bad file descriptor
> configure exiting with result code 1
> make[1]: *** [reconfigure] Error 1
> make: *** [reconfigure] Error 2

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