Builds fail due to use of preview features & removed arguments

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Thu Dec 19 23:44:37 UTC 2019

On 19/12/2019 23:30, David Holmes wrote:
> I think this is more an issue for the language and compiler folk on 
> compiler-dev. I'm not clear on all the rules around use of preview 
> features but it seems to me that if we are using them internally and 
> that generates warnings then we should be suppressing those warnings 
> (@supressedWarning) at those call sites. Though I don't know whether 
> you can suppress a warning for an import statement?? 

We had an issue 3-4 weeks ago with preview warnings being issues in 
import. That issue was fixed and integrated with the big record push:

In fact, I do not see any warning being triggered in my build.

Ty mentioned that he's building from bits obtained from GitHub - so at 
this point I wonder what's the 'tip' of the jdk/jdk repository you are 
trying to build?


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