Builds fail due to use of preview features & removed arguments

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Fri Dec 20 00:37:15 UTC 2019

On 20/12/2019 00:28, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 20/12/2019 00:22, Ty Young wrote:
>> On 12/19/19 6:12 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> On 20/12/2019 00:02, Ty Young wrote:
>>>> On 12/19/19 5:44 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> On 19/12/2019 23:30, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> I think this is more an issue for the language and compiler folk 
>>>>>> on compiler-dev. I'm not clear on all the rules around use of 
>>>>>> preview features but it seems to me that if we are using them 
>>>>>> internally and that generates warnings then we should be 
>>>>>> suppressing those warnings (@supressedWarning) at those call 
>>>>>> sites. Though I don't know whether you can suppress a warning for 
>>>>>> an import statement?? 
>>>>> We had an issue 3-4 weeks ago with preview warnings being issues 
>>>>> in import. That issue was fixed and integrated with the big record 
>>>>> push:
>>>>> In fact, I do not see any warning being triggered in my build.
>>>>> Ty mentioned that he's building from bits obtained from GitHub - 
>>>>> so at this point I wonder what's the 'tip' of the jdk/jdk 
>>>>> repository you are trying to build?
>>>> Github link:
>>> That repo looks fresh - are you sure your local HEAD matches the one 
>>> you see in GitHub?
>> git diff @{upstream} shows nothing different.
> Ok - but what is your HEAD? At which commit is your local repo?

If your repo is up to date, I have another possible theory - that you 
are using a bootstrap JDK (the JDK you use -- among other things -- to 
compile the compiler contained in the JDK sources) which is in the 
unfortunate state so that (i) it understands @Preview annotations (and 
display warnings about them) but (ii) does not yet contain the 
aforementioned fix to suppress preview warnings on imports.

If you could attach your full build log, we might be able to see whether 
the failure occurs during the so called 'bootstrap' phase, in which case 
that would be definitively a sign of an 'unlucky' JDK being used as 
bootstrap JDK.


> Maurizio
>>> Maurizio
>>>> I didn't realize it, but it looks like y'all are already working on 
>>>> 15. Changes made to 14 are pushed to 15 anyway so it doesn't 
>>>> matter, right?
>>>>> Maurizio

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