RFR [XS] : 8218562: handle HOTSPOT_BUILD_COMPILER for clang/xlclang and cleanup HOTSPOT_BUILD_COMPILER settings

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Wed Feb 6 15:17:51 UTC 2019

Hello, please review this small change .

I noticed (when looking into AIX xlc16 / xlclang++)  the following:    in the case that  clang is used for compilation,    HOTSPOT_BUILD_COMPILER   claims to be a gcc .
This is a bit misleading.
This change  adjusts the setting for clang usage on  AIX  (for future usage with xlclang++)   and macOSX.

Additionally I removed some  old  HOTSPOT_BUILD_COMPILER   for  legacy Oracle / Sun Studio versions ).

Bug/webrev :



Thanks, Matthias

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