compiling openJdk 11 on windows 7 32bits fail

Alexey Ivanov alexey.ivanov at
Mon Feb 11 14:03:47 UTC 2019

Hi David,

On 11/02/2019 11:33, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> On 11/02/2019 7:12 pm, Alexey Ivanov wrote:
>> Hi Franco,
>> On 11/02/2019 02:03, David Holmes wrote:
>>> On 8/02/2019 5:07 am, Franco Gastón Pellegrini wrote:
>>>> I tried compiling JDK 12 for 32 bits, and I get similar errors:
>>>> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
>>>> * For target hotspot_variant-client_libjvm_objs_classFileParser.obj:
>>>> classFileParser.cpp
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk12/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.cpp(312): 
>>>> error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk12/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.cpp(312): 
>>>> warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'u2', possible loss 
>>>> of data
>>>>     ... (rest of output omitted)
>> I used --disable-warnings-as-errors option to configure when I built 
>> JDK for 32 bit Windows last time.
> Note there are actual errors in Franco's log not just the warnings I 
> commented on. I think we've already encountered the operate delete 
> issue so it may be fixed in 13, but not 12. Need to track it down.

I must have missed that point.
The message above says “error C2220: warning treated as error”, so I 
decided to let Franco know --disable-warnings-as-errors helped me.

It's been a long while since I built jdk-dev on 32 bit Windows last 
time; many things could have changed there.


> Cheers,
> David
>> David pointed to JDK-8205677 which should be forwardported to 13 to 
>> fix the problem.
>> Regards,
>> Alexey
>>> This is an issue we ran into compiling 8u with VS2017:
>>> We probably never noticed in JDK 12 because we don't do 32-bits 
>>> builds with VS2017.
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> * All command lines available in 
>>>> /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk12/build/windows-x86-client-fastdebug/make-support/failure-logs. 
>>>> === End of repeated output ===
>>>> No indication of failed target found.
>>>> Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.
>>>> Hint: See doc/building.html#troubleshooting for assistance.
>>>> make[1]: *** [/home/franc/java/jdk12/make/Init.gmk:310: main] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [/home/franc/java/jdk12/make/Init.gmk:186: default] Error 2
>>>> El mié., 6 de feb. de 2019 a la(s) 19:23, Franco Gastón Pellegrini 
>>>> (francogpellegrini at <mailto:francogpellegrini at>) 
>>>> escribió:
>>>>     I just tried --disable-warnings-as-errors, and JDK 11 64bits as a
>>>>     bootjdk, but I get a lots of errors, and it refuse to build, 
>>>> like this:
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/classfile/classFileParser.cpp(310): 
>>>>     warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'u2', possible 
>>>> loss
>>>>     of data
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(229): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(250): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(289): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(312): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(333): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(372): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(437): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> c:/cygwin64/home/franc/java/jdk11/src/hotspot/share/code/codeBlob.cpp(541): 
>>>>     error C2956: sized deallocation function 'operator delete(void*,
>>>>     size_t)' would be chosen as placement deallocation function.
>>>>     predefined C++ types (compiler internal)(44): note: see 
>>>> declaration
>>>>     of 'operator delete'
>>>> <SNIP>

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