[PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Mon Jan 7 23:36:04 UTC 2019

As long as we understand/document the impact on tests, it's OK if any 
related changes are done separately, in a timely manner. But if the 
existing "Linux" case works, that's good to know.

-- Jon

On 01/07/2019 03:27 PM, Andrew Luo wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> I had thought about this a little more earlier and I was intending to 
> handle these changes separately.  “uname -s” returns Linux on WSL.  
> You can distinguish using “uname -r" containing “Microsoft” (this is 
> what we do elsewhere). However, the script itself cannot determine 
> this independently because you can target either Linux or Windows from 
> WSL (if you target Linux from WSL, then everything already works, 
> using the Linux code path).  Most likely, gmake will need to pass in 
> to the script (most likely via another environment variable, such as 
> -e:WSL_WINDOWS_TARGET=1) and then the script will have to have an 
> additional check in the “uname -s" == Linux case).
> Thanks,
> -Andrew
> *From:*Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 7, 2019 2:34 PM
> *To:* Andrew Luo <andrewluotechnologies at outlook.com>; 
> build-dev at openjdk.java.net
> *Subject:* Re: [PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL
> Andrew,
> Setting aside whatever changes might be needed for jtreg itself, what 
> will need to be done to any shell tests?
> For example, the following pattern is common in many of the shell 
> tests, with the general expectation that on Windows, CYGWIN will be 
> selected.
>     # set platform-dependent variables
>     OS=`uname -s`
>     case "$OS" in
>       AIX | Darwin | Linux | SunOS )
>         NULL=/dev/null
>         PS=":"
>         FS="/"
>         ;;
>       CYGWIN* )
>         NULL=/dev/null
>         PS=";"
>         FS="/"
>         ;;
>       Windows* )
>         NULL=NUL
>         PS=";"
>         FS="\\"
>         ;;
>       * )
>         echo "Unrecognized system!"
>         exit 1;
>         ;;
>     esac
>     KEYTOOL=${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}keytool
> If nothing else, what does `uname -s` return when using WSL?
> I think we should understand the impact on the tests before pushing 
> any changes in this area.
> -- Jon
> On 01/06/2019 11:34 AM, Andrew Luo wrote:
>     Hi Everyone,
>     I've gotten shell tests to run on WSL with some changes to jtreg and a small change to the OpenJDK gmake files.  Most of them are still not passing (I believe one or two of them did just work out of the box after these changes as failures + error count dropped; previous errors + previous failures < current failures; also "errors" dropped to zero), as the scripts themselves will need to be changed, however, at least now they can actually run...  My patch with proposed changes are attached.
>     I've sent the corresponding jtreg changes to the code-tools-dev mailing list:https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/code-tools-dev/2019-January/000464.html
>     Let me know if you have any feedback/comments.
>     Thanks,
>     -Andrew

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