[PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL

Andrew Luo andrewluotechnologies at outlook.com
Wed Jan 16 18:52:15 UTC 2019

Sounds good to me.  I had been a bit busy recently so hadn't yet had a chance to respond.

I do recommend naming the variable EXE_SUFFIX though, since that's what we call it in the build scripts.  Although if you do strongly prefer EXE instead, it doesn't matter to me that much.  Obviously this approach will require modification to many of the tests.  I can probably handle a good portion of the tier 1 test cases - less than ~100 test cases are failing (on my system that is - not all of which are shell scripts anyways).  But I don't know how many shell scripts we have in total.  Perhaps if we find some common patterns we can just use a regex to find/replace what needs to be changed...



-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 10:46 AM
To: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com>; Andrew Luo <andrewluotechnologies at outlook.com>; build-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL

On 01/11/2019 02:24 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> On 2019-01-11 14:12, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> 3 options that come to mind are ...
>> 1. jtreg sets new env variables for any/all JDK tools that may be 
>> invoked, including java and javac, and the scripts are updated to use 
>> the new variables
>> 2. jtreg sets a single new env variable EXE, which is either empty or 
>> ".exe". A bit ugly for anyone not used to using WSL
>> 3. all the magic is somehow done in the tests, with no additional 
>> change to jtreg
> I think 1 or 2 is preferable to 3. There will be a lot of duplication 
> of this logic in the tests otherwise.

I think 2 is preferable to 1, since it is only a single env variable instead of many. I'll update jtreg to set EXE in WSL mode.  Then, we just have to figure what to do with the tests.

-- Jon

>> I also note the orthogonal option, which is to continue the migration 
>> away from using shell tests as much as possible.
> I certainly agree that we need to move away from shell tests long term!
> /Erik
>> -- Jon
>> On 01/11/2019 01:45 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> With the new jtreg, the test is launched correctly. It's now a 
>>> problem with the test. When WSL launches a Windows executable, it 
>>> needs to run it with the full name (including .exe). This particular 
>>> test tries to run things like:
>>> /mnt/d/erik/jdk-jib-wsl/build/windows-x64/images/jdk/bin/javac
>>> -J-Xmx768m -J-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=1 -J-ea -J-esa pkg/A.java 
>>> pkg/B.java
>>> Which fails because it needs to be javac.exe.
>>> To fix these tests, one thing we need to do is find a good way of 
>>> identifying that the JDK under test is of Windows type and in that 
>>> case add .exe to the executables. Note that checking if the 
>>> execution environment happens to be WSL is not good enough. The 
>>> relevant part in this case is identifying the JDK under test.
>>> /Erik
>>> On 2019-01-11 10:14, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>> I'm pretty sure I know the problem. I'll post an update to jtreg.
>>>> -- Jon
>>>> On 01/11/2019 09:44 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> With the new jtreg and the patch, normal java tests seem to work 
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> I tried some simple shell tests and they fail. I took a test in 
>>>>> langtools as an example:
>>>>> open/test/langtools/tools/javac/Paths/Class-Path.sh
>>>>> I invoked it like this:
>>>>> $ make test TEST=langtools/tools/javac/Paths/Class-Path.sh
>>>>> It fails with the following:
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> TEST: tools/javac/Paths/Class-Path.sh TEST JDK: 
>>>>> d:\erik\jdk-jib-wsl\build\windows-x64\images\jdk
>>>>> ACTION: shell -- Failed. Execution failed: exit code 127
>>>>> REASON: User specified action: run shell Class-Path.sh
>>>>> TIME:   0.125 seconds
>>>>> messages:
>>>>> command: shell Class-Path.sh
>>>>> reason: User specified action: run shell Class-Path.sh elapsed 
>>>>> time (seconds): 0.125
>>>>> STDOUT:
>>>>> STDERR:
>>>>> sh: 0: Can't open
>>>>> /mnt/d:/erik/jdk-jib-wsl/open/test/langtools/tools/javac/Paths/Cla
>>>>> ss-Path.sh
>>>>> It seems the translation of the path fails. Further down in the 
>>>>> jtr file, this looks to be the command line Jtreg is trying to run:
>>>>>     wsl.exe \\
>>>>>         sh
>>>>> '/mnt/d:\\/erik/jdk-jib-wsl/open/test/langtools/tools/javac/Paths/Class-Path.sh'
>>>>> It should be noted that WSL does not understand windows paths like 
>>>>> Cygwin does. By default it mounts every Windows drive x in /mnt/x, 
>>>>> but this is configurable so should not be assumed. There is a 
>>>>> tool, wslpath, similar to cygpath, which can be used to translate.
>>>>> It's also possible to translate environment variables by adding 
>>>>> them to WSLENV.
>>>>> Perhaps using WSLENV would be a reasonable trick here. When 
>>>>> running wsl.exe, also set something like this in the env:
>>>>> JTREG_TEST_PATH=d:/erik/jdk-jib-wsl/open/test/langtools/tools/java
>>>>> c/Paths/Class-Path.sh
>>>>> then rewrite the command as:
>>>>> $ wsl.exe sh $JTREG_TEST_PATH
>>>>> /Erik
>>>>> On 2019-01-11 08:51, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>>> Erik,
>>>>>> Can you try a test run with the latest jtreg bits, and post the 
>>>>>> results for me to look at, to see why tests are failing and what, 
>>>>>> if anything, needs to be done?
>>>>>> -- Jon
>>>>>> On 1/10/19 9:02 PM, Andrew Luo wrote:
>>>>>>> I've updated my patch per the latest jtreg changes.  Tested this 
>>>>>>> with the latest code synced from the jtreg repository, seems 
>>>>>>> like shell tests do get run (but don't pass, tests will need to 
>>>>>>> be changed).
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> -Andrew
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 1:39 PM
>>>>>>> To: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com>; Andrew Luo 
>>>>>>> <andrewluotechnologies at outlook.com>; build-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL
>>>>>>> Erik,
>>>>>>> I have pushed a version of Andrew's patch for jtreg into the 
>>>>>>> jtreg repo.
>>>>>>> With regard to Andrew's proposed patch for make/RunTests.gmk, 
>>>>>>> the name of the option to use for jtreg is now just "-wsl'.
>>>>>>> -- Jon
>>>>>>> On 01/07/2019 01:10 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Andrew,
>>>>>>>> If the patch gets accepted to Jtreg, this looks good. We will 
>>>>>>>> need to wait for Jtreg support before pushing this though.
>>>>>>>> /Erik
>>>>>>>> On 2019-01-06 20:34, Andrew Luo wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>>>>>> I've gotten shell tests to run on WSL with some changes to 
>>>>>>>>> jtreg and a small change to the OpenJDK gmake files.  Most of 
>>>>>>>>> them are still not passing (I believe one or two of them did 
>>>>>>>>> just work out of the box after these changes as failures + 
>>>>>>>>> error count dropped; previous errors + previous failures < 
>>>>>>>>> current failures; also "errors"
>>>>>>>>> dropped
>>>>>>>>> to zero), as the scripts themselves will need to be changed, 
>>>>>>>>> however, at least now they can actually run...  My patch with 
>>>>>>>>> proposed changes are attached.
>>>>>>>>> I've sent the corresponding jtreg changes to the 
>>>>>>>>> code-tools-dev mailing list:
>>>>>>>>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/code-tools-dev/2019-Ja
>>>>>>>>> nuary/0
>>>>>>>>> 00464.html
>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have any feedback/comments.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> -Andrew

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