[PATCH] Fixes for running tests on WSL

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Jan 16 19:12:45 UTC 2019

On 1/16/19 11:07 AM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> I am a big fan of precedent and clarity, but that being said, using 
> ${EXE_SUFFIX} is a bit more clunky at each use site in each shell 
> test.  But, I guess a test that uses the suffix a lot could define 
> EXE=${EXE_SUFFIX} and use the shorter form. 

For the langtools shell tests, the tests already declare variables for 
$java, $javac, $jar and $jimage, so it is no big deal to update the 
definitions to use ${EXE_SUFFIX}

It seems like a good precedent for retaining unobtrusive clarity in 
shell tests, to use variables for the paths for the JDK tools.

-- Jon

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