'make update-build-docs' fails with 'fixpath Unknown argument: --toc' on Windows

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Thu Jan 17 16:46:37 UTC 2019

You need pandoc to generate the html files from md. We also use pandoc 
to generate files for the actual product documentation. It seems the 
build only checks that pandoc is available for the product documentation 
targets and for update-build-docs, it just tries and fails with this 
rather uninformative error message. I'm pretty sure the target works if 
you provide pandoc to configure on Windows.

There is a script in make/devkit/createPandocBundle.sh that can help you 
get the pandoc you need.


On 2019-01-17 06:42, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm updating some documentation for the panama repo foreign branch [1].
> When running `make update-build-docs` I get the following output:
> ```
> $ make update-build-docs
> Building target 'update-build-docs' in configuration 
> 'windows-x86_64-server-release'
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:50: 
> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/building.html] 
> Error 127
> make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:58: 
> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/testing.html] 
> Error 127
> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:66: 
> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/panama_foreign.html] 
> Error 127
> make[2]: *** [make/Main.gmk:417: update-build-docs] Error 2
> ERROR: Build failed for target 'update-build-docs' in configuration 
> 'windows-x86_64-server-release' (exit code 2)
> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
> * For target support_markdown_building_building.md:
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> * For target support_markdown_panama_foreign_panama_foreign.md:
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> * For target support_markdown_testing_testing.md:
> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
> * All command lines available in 
> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/build/windows-x86_64-server-release/make-support/failure-logs.
> === End of repeated output ===
> No indication of failed target found.
> Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.
> Hint: See doc/building.html#troubleshooting for assistance.
> make[1]: *** [/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/make/Init.gmk:310: 
> main] Error 2
> make: *** [/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/make/Init.gmk:186: 
> update-build-docs] Error 2
> ```
> Is this a know issue? Is this supported on Windows?
> Thanks,
> Jorn
> [1] : http://hg.openjdk.java.net/panama/dev/shortlog/b981c23cb71e

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