'make update-build-docs' fails with 'fixpath Unknown argument: --toc' on Windows

Jorn Vernee jbvernee at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 17 17:25:29 UTC 2019

Never mind, this works:

     bash configure PANDOC=/cygdrive/j/ChocolateyInstall/bin/pandoc.exe

I should have tried that first.


Jorn Vernee schreef op 2019-01-17 18:07:
> Hi Erik,
> Thanks for the insights. The make/devkit/createPandocBundle.sh seems
> to try to install the linux version of pandoc. I have installed pandoc
> 2.5 through chocolatey instead.
> I'm trying to pas the exe path through the PANDOC environment
> variable, but this produces a configure warning:
>     configure: WARNING: Ignoring value of PANDOC from the environment.
> Use command line variables instead.
> I'm not sure what is meant here by 'command line variable' there. I've
> tried the following:
>     $ PANDOC=/cygdrive/j/ChocolateyInstall/bin/pandoc.exe
>     $ make reconfigure
> But this gives the same warning. I've also tried:
>    $ make reconfigure 
> PANDOC=/cygdrive/j/ChocolateyInstall/bin/pandoc.exe
> But this gives a warning that I'm using a non-control variable.
> How should I pass the value to configure?
> Thanks,
> Jorn
> Erik Joelsson schreef op 2019-01-17 17:46:
>> You need pandoc to generate the html files from md. We also use pandoc
>> to generate files for the actual product documentation. It seems the
>> build only checks that pandoc is available for the product
>> documentation targets and for update-build-docs, it just tries and
>> fails with this rather uninformative error message. I'm pretty sure
>> the target works if you provide pandoc to configure on Windows.
>> There is a script in make/devkit/createPandocBundle.sh that can help
>> you get the pandoc you need.
>> /Erik
>> On 2019-01-17 06:42, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm updating some documentation for the panama repo foreign branch 
>>> [1].
>>> When running `make update-build-docs` I get the following output:
>>> ```
>>> $ make update-build-docs
>>> Building target 'update-build-docs' in configuration 
>>> 'windows-x86_64-server-release'
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:50: 
>>> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/building.html] 
>>> Error 127
>>> make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>>> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:58: 
>>> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/testing.html] 
>>> Error 127
>>> make[3]: *** [UpdateBuildDocs.gmk:66: 
>>> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/doc/panama_foreign.html] 
>>> Error 127
>>> make[2]: *** [make/Main.gmk:417: update-build-docs] Error 2
>>> ERROR: Build failed for target 'update-build-docs' in configuration 
>>> 'windows-x86_64-server-release' (exit code 2)
>>> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
>>> * For target support_markdown_building_building.md:
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> * For target support_markdown_panama_foreign_panama_foreign.md:
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> * For target support_markdown_testing_testing.md:
>>> fixpath Unknown argument: --toc
>>> * All command lines available in 
>>> /cygdrive/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/build/windows-x86_64-server-release/make-support/failure-logs.
>>> === End of repeated output ===
>>> No indication of failed target found.
>>> Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.
>>> Hint: See doc/building.html#troubleshooting for assistance.
>>> make[1]: *** 
>>> [/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/make/Init.gmk:310: main] Error 
>>> 2
>>> make: *** [/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/panama/make/Init.gmk:186: 
>>> update-build-docs] Error 2
>>> ```
>>> Is this a know issue? Is this supported on Windows?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jorn
>>> [1] : http://hg.openjdk.java.net/panama/dev/shortlog/b981c23cb71e

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