Help with build changes for: 8214796: Create a jlink plugin for stripping debug info symbols from native libraries

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Sat Jan 26 00:06:42 UTC 2019

Hi Severin,

Another alternative would be to support per-jlink-plugin resource
bundle to avoid merging .properties files at build time.  The
plugin-specific messages should only be used by the plugin itself
and it would be cleaner for each plugin to manage its resource bundle.


On 1/25/19 7:27 AM, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on an enhancement for jlink. In particular a platform
> specific plugin. I.e. It would only get built on unix/linux platforms.
> My trouble is getting some resouce properties set up properly. In my
> example there is two versions of one in
> shared/classes one in unix/classes. These, need to get merged into one
> via the MergeProperties build tool class. So far so good. But for the
> cases where there is only one resource property it should just get
> copied to support/gensrc and that source root be used for compiling
> those properties into actual ListResourceBundle Java classes.
> The copying from the src tree to the gensrc tree doesn't seem to work.
> I've tried using $(CP) and SetupCopyFiles to no avail. Would anybody
> willing to help?
> WIP webrev is:
> I thought I'd do the copying in an else branch in SetupPropertiesMerge,
> where I've put in a FIXME comment. Am I on the wrong track?
> Thanks,
> Severin

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