[14] RFR: 8212970: TZ database in "vanguard" format support

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Thu Jul 25 17:55:46 UTC 2019

Build change looks good.


On 2019-07-24 15:24, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Thank you for the review.
> On 7/24/19 2:57 PM, Joe Wang wrote:
>> Hi Naoto,
>> The method findNegativeSavings method in TzdbZoneRulesProvider.java 
>> states that it "Find the minimum negative savings". While the result 
>> is correct since the rules all have the same value for SAVE, I wonder 
>> if that's ideal conceptually. Given a start LDT, shouldn't it be 
>> looking for the SAVE in the exact (narrower) date range (e.g. 1981 - 
>> 1989 vs 1981 - max)?.
> I believe it is working as such. The end year is retrieved within the 
> method (line 879) and only the minimum negative saving values within 
> the window is filtered.
>> NegativeDSTTest verifies the tzdata, that is the adjusted data after 
>> import, is that correct? I wonder a comment and a bit of details in 
>> the test summary would be helpful since there is no negative data in 
>> the test itself.
> Good point. It is confusing. I supplied summary text in the test (also 
> the similar line in TestZoneRules.java)
> Here is the updated webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8212970/webrev.11/
> Naoto
>> Best,
>> Joe
>> On 7/23/19 3:15 PM, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please review the fix to the following enhancement:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212970
>>> The proposed changeset is located at:
>>> https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8212970/webrev.09/
>>> This change aims to support the "vanguard" IANA time zone data 
>>> format, which uses the negative savings and transition time beyond a 
>>> day period. The change basically translates those negative savings 
>>> and transition times, such as 25:00, into the ones that the current 
>>> JDK recognizes, then produces the data file "tzdb.dat" at the build 
>>> time. At the run time, the data file is read and interpreted as 
>>> before. This way the produced tzdb.dat is compatible with the prior 
>>> JDK releases so that the TZ Updater can also distribute it as a time 
>>> zone update.
>>> I have also refactored redundant copy of ZoneRules file in the build 
>>> directory, by dynamically importing the file under src. Thus some 
>>> build related files are modified. I am hoping folks on the build-dev 
>>> can review those changes.
>>> Naoto

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