RFR: 8224851: AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Tue Jun 4 03:03:30 UTC 2019

> On Jun 3, 2019, at 4:32 AM, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 6/3/19 7:58 AM, Nick Gasson wrote:
>>> If I'm reading the gcc documentation for __sync_add_and_fetch
>>> correctly, I think the following (completely untested) should work,
>>> and won't cause Andrew to (I think rightly) complain about
>>> type-punning reinterpret_casts.
>>> Though I wonder if this is a clang bug. (See below.)
> It's arguably a mistake in the GCC documentation, but adding two
> pointers is not well defined whereas adding a pointer and an integer
> is.

Yes, the gcc documentation seems to be a bit botched here.  But there
is also the semantic description, e.g. for __sync_OP_and_fetch:

    { *ptr OP= value; return *ptr; }

>> Another way round this is to use __atomic_add_fetch instead which both
>> Clang and GCC accept:
>>  template<typename I, typename D>
>>  D add_and_fetch(I add_value, D volatile* dest, atomic_memory_order order) const {
>>    D res = __atomic_add_fetch(dest, add_value, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
>>    return res;
>>  }
> I could live with that.

The __atomic_xxx operations seem to have the same documentation
issues.  It's strange that clang would get one set right and the other
wrong.  But okay, using them seems like a good workaround. And maybe
someday the order argument will be used to select the barriers to use.

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