RFR 6722928: Support SSPI as a native GSS-API provider

Nico Williams Nico.Williams at twosigma.com
Mon Jun 10 23:56:35 UTC 2019

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 10:30:50AM +0800, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Updated webrev at
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/6722928/webrev.08/

 - src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/spnego/NegTokenTarg.java

   Ugh, I never noticed GSSUtil.useMSInterop().  This really should not
   be needed.  I believe a proper implementation of RFC4178 wouldn't
   need it.

   I can't expect you to do that, but can we have a bug opened for this?

 - src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/wrapper/SunNativeProvider.java

   Shouldn't the sspi_bridge.dll be in the lib directory?

 - src/java.security.jgss/share/native/libj2gss/NativeFunc.h
 - src/java.security.jgss/share/native/libj2gss/gssapi.h

   These continue to have improper constification.

   There should be no function arguments of type "const gss_...".

   I've a PR for Heimdal to fix this in Heimdal.  It was very
   mechanical: search the prototypes and function definitions for

       \<const[^I ]*gss_

   then change that to gss_const_... then fix all the warnings and
   errors that came up when building the result.

 - All remaining commentary will be about

  - CHECK_*() macros

    Macro bodies should not end in a semi-colon.

    If these were public and since these macro bodies are all if
    statements, you should wrap them in do { } while (0), but since
    they're private we can make sure that all uses are correct.

  - gss_import_name() doesn't check that the first two bytes of the
    input buffer are the expected token ID when the name-type is

  - gss_import_name() doesn't check that the third byte of the input
    buffer is 0 when the name-type is GSS_C_NT_EXPORTED_NAME.

  - gss_compare_name(), this code will not distinguish a name of the
    form 'foo@' from 'foo\@'

       434     if (l1 < l2 && n2[l1] != L'@'
       435             || l2 < l1 && n1[l2] != L'@') {
       436         return GSS_S_COMPLETE; // different
       437     }

    Honestly, this is not the most serious problem because nothing
    really should be using gss_compare_name(), but you do use it... and
    anyways, it's wrong.

    Perhaps the gss_name_struct struct should have a length of realm or
    length-of-not-realm-part field to make this check easier.

  - gss_compare_name(), do not use NORM_IGNORECASE

  - gss_canonicalize_name() should check that mech_type is Kerberos

I'll continue later.  I'm in gss_init_sec_context(), about 58% of the
way through.


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