[8u] RFR: 8226870: OpenJDK 8u JRE contains clhsdb and hsdb launchers

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at redhat.com
Thu Jun 27 09:06:47 UTC 2019


Could I get a review for this simple 8u-only build fix? After the 8u
backport of JDK-8059038, the JRE images have the serviceability agent
launchers, but the SA jar, sa-jdi.jar, is only in the JDK. They are
non-functional in the j2re-image after a build currently. This patch
filters clhsdb and hsdb via NOT_JRE_BIN_FILES.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226870
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sgehwolf/webrevs/JDK-8226870/01/webrev/


$ ls j2sdk-image/bin/
appletviewer  hsdb  jarsigner  javadoc  java-rmi.cgi  jdb    jinfo  jps         jstack  keytool       pack200     rmid         serialver   unpack200  xjc
clhsdb        idlj  java       javah    jcmd          jdeps  jjs    jrunscript  jstat   native2ascii  policytool  rmiregistry  servertool  wsgen
extcheck      jar   javac      javap    jconsole      jhat   jmap   jsadebugd   jstatd  orbd          rmic        schemagen    tnameserv   wsimport
$ ls j2re-image/bin/
clhsdb  hsdb  java  jjs  keytool  orbd  pack200  policytool  rmid  rmiregistry  servertool  tnameserv  unpack200


$ ls j2sdk-image/bin/
appletviewer  hsdb  jarsigner  javadoc  java-rmi.cgi  jdb    jinfo  jps         jstack  keytool       pack200     rmid         serialver   unpack200  xjc
clhsdb        idlj  java       javah    jcmd          jdeps  jjs    jrunscript  jstat   native2ascii  policytool  rmiregistry  servertool  wsgen
extcheck      jar   javac      javap    jconsole      jhat   jmap   jsadebugd   jstatd  orbd          rmic        schemagen    tnameserv   wsimport
$ ls j2re-image/bin/
java  jjs  keytool  orbd  pack200  policytool  rmid  rmiregistry  servertool  tnameserv  unpack200

Sorry about this.


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