RFR (trivial): 8219519: Remove linux_sparc.ad and linux_aarch64.ad

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Fri Mar 1 14:39:14 UTC 2019

On 01/03/2019 14:25, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2019-02-27 03:25, Jie Fu wrote:
>> It's a bit difficult for me to test this patch since I don't have a
>> sparc or arm machine.
>> I've analyzed the adlc processing logic in
>> make/hotspot/gensrc/GensrcAdlc.gmk finding that ad-files under
>> ./src/hotspot/os_cpu/$(HOTSPOT_TARGET_OS)_$(HOTSPOT_TARGET_CPU_ARCH)
>> are optional.
> What do you mean by "optional"? The build code does this:
> ##############################################################################
>   # Concatenate all ad source files into a single file, which will be fed to
>   # adlc.
> ...
>   AD_SRC_FILES := $(call uniq, $(wildcard $(foreach d, $(AD_SRC_ROOTS), \
> \
>     )))
> so it will definitely pick up both those files and use it in creating
> the concatenated ad file.

That's interesting because Pengfei Li claims he applied the patch and
successfully built OpenJDK on AArch64.


Does the build system actually need those files to exist when it builds
the concatenated file?

> That being said, maybe this is not the correct behavior.

Well, something sounds fishy.

> I see that the linux_sparc.ad file is essentially empty, so you can
> probably remove that. The aarch64 file otoh seems to contain valid code.
> I would not presume that you can just remove it!
He is ok to remove it as far as any contents are concerned. Indeed, I
told him this was ok in a review in the above thread after Pengfei
reported that OpenJDK built without the file being present.

As to the contents, the encoding defined in that file is completely
redundant (I don't really know how it got there as I don't believe it
was ever used)


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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