testing a openjdk8u212-b03 on Solaris SPARC 10

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Fri May 24 12:14:18 UTC 2019

El día viernes, mayo 24, 2019 a las 11:55:09a. m. +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> I tried to use the JT regression test tool jtreg-4.2-b14.tar.gz the
> following way (as explained in its docs:
> http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/runtests.html 
>     $ export JT_HOME=/export/home/sisis/guru/jtreg
>     $ export JT_JAVA=/usr/local/sisis-pap/jdk1.8.0_31/bin/java
>     $ export PRODUCT_HOME=/export/home/sisis/guru/jdk8u212-b03/build/solaris-sparcv9-normal-server-release/images/j2sdk-image
> (btw: The script has a bug: the shebang must be modified to '/usr/bin/bash')
>     $ cd test
>     $ nohup /usr/sfw/bin/gmake all

I followed the hint in http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/runtests.html  to
use the new built JDK for the testing itself. I set:

   $ export JT_JAVA=/export/home/sisis/guru/jdk8u212-b03/build/solaris-sparcv9-normal-server-release/images/j2sdk-image/bin/java

Then I looked in the test/Makefile and started not 'all', but 'default',

   $ nohup /usr/sfw/bin/gmake all

'default' means as target: jdk_core langtools_jtreg
and these test until now are all passed with 'Execution successful'

Is this good enough as a test?


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub

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