binary Hardening on linux using Relocation Read-Only (relro)

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Mon Nov 25 16:41:46 UTC 2019


I wasn't directly involved in introducing these flags, but my 
understanding is that it's always a performance compromise. I would 
involve at least hotspot-dev for a wider discussion on this as libjvm is 
the most affected library.


On 2019-11-25 06:42, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Hello,   I wonder why  the  binary hardening  on linux  using Relocation Read-Only (relro)  is not enabled by default.
> Some info can be found here :
> Currently I  notice  the settings only  for debug  / fastdebug builds , see  flags-ldflags.m4 :
>    # Setup debug level-dependent LDFLAGS
>    if test "x$TOOLCHAIN_TYPE" = xgcc; then
>      if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xlinux; then
>        if test x$DEBUG_LEVEL = xrelease; then
>        else
>          # mark relocations read only on (fast/slow) debug builds
>          DEBUGLEVEL_LDFLAGS_JDK_ONLY="-Wl,-z,relro"
>        fi
>        if test x$DEBUG_LEVEL = xslowdebug; then
>          # do relocations at load
>          DEBUGLEVEL_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,now"
>        fi
>      fi
> Shouldn't we use  at least  "-Wl,-z,relro" also on product builds ?
> For  "-Wl,-z,now"   some  startup  performance hits are mentioned in articles/blogs -  any experiences / performance-measurements   with this in the OpenJDK  context ?
> Best regards, Matthias

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