RFR(T/XS) 8231145: [Graal] org.graalvm.compiler.debug.test.DebugContextTest fails because DebugContextTest.testLogging.input is not available

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Sep 18 15:18:35 UTC 2019

Hello Katya,

The usual pattern for including a non class file from the source into 
the jar (typically a resource file) is to add it to the COPY parameter 
of SetupJavaCompilation, and then to the SUFFIXES of SetupJarArchive. 
This way you don't need to add a source dir to the input of 
SetupJarArchive, which is a bit weird. So in this case, you can add

COPY := .input

to BUILD_VM_COMPILER_TESTS and keep the SUFFIXES you already added, and 
skip the addition to SRCS.


On 2019-09-17 15:45, Ekaterina Pavlova wrote:
> Hi,
> please review the following change which fixes 
> org.graalvm.compiler.debug.test.DebugContextTest.
> The test fails because it tries to read 
> DebugContextTest.testLogging.input file which is not available at 
> runtime.
> The fix copies testLogging.input file into jdk.vm.compiler.tests.jar.
>      JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231145
>   webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~epavlova//8231145/webrev.00/index.html
>  testing: run compiler/graalunit/DebugTest.java
> thanks,
> -katya

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