openjdk fails to configure due to shell builtin test
Michael Zucchi
notzed at
Sat Apr 25 00:09:23 UTC 2020
Morning all,
A patch from last year [1] discussed on this list adds an autoconf
fallback test for a shell builtin command using the bash command 'help
<command>' and invokes it for ulimit. It's probably not very portable
to start with but bash can be compiled specifically without the help
command by passing --disable-help-builtin to configure. guix uses this
option for it's build environment shell [4], hence openjdk fails to
configure there without a patch such as the one below.
For openjdk 14[3], is it possible to use a more portable sequence in the
BASIC_REQUIRE_BUILTIN_PROGS macro? The internet [2] suggests using
"command -v <command>" or "type <command>" for this purpose.
Although I have not tried, the same appears to apply to openjdk-15
although the macro has been moved to UTIL_REQUIRE_BUILTIN_PROGS in
$ help command
command: command [-pVv] command [arg ...]
Execute a simple command or display information about commands.
Runs COMMAND with ARGS suppressing shell function lookup, or display
information about the specified COMMANDs. Can be used to invoke
on disk when a function with the same name exists.
-p use a default value for PATH that is guaranteed to find all of
the standard utilities
-v print a description of COMMAND similar to the `type' builtin
-V print a more verbose description of each COMMAND
Exit Status:
Returns exit status of COMMAND, or failure if COMMAND is not found.
--- jdk14-bc54620a3848/make/autoconf/basics.m4 2020-02-07
04:40:54.000000000 +1030
+++ jdk14-bc54620a3848-new/make/autoconf/basics.m4 2020-04-24
10:59:33.056098506 +0930
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
BASIC_SETUP_TOOL($1, [AC_PATH_PROGS($1, $2, , $3)])
if test "x[$]$1" = x; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([Required tool $2 not found in PATH, checking built-in])
- if help $2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if command -v $2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found $2 as shell built-in. Using it])
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