RFR: JDK-8243991 Use standard -Xss argument in java command line

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Tue Apr 28 16:33:29 UTC 2020

On 2020-04-28 09:14, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> It builds without it. I tested running the tier1 test suite; but I 
> assume that if the build succeeds there's really all there is to it.
> I'm not sure where to look for performance issues. Is there some 
> specific thing you're worried about? If anything, I think this might 
> be affecting machines with different memory sizes differently, but I'm 
> not really in the mood to try this on a wide range of machines just to 
> find that out.
> Otherwise I'd assume you'd either get a stack overflow exception, or 
> everything is green. Shrinking the stack size could possibly mean that 
> the build will pass on low-end machines where it previously failed.
I did a bit of digging in the bug database and these settings are very 
old. Here is a quote from a comment on a build problem on Solaris Sparc 
64 bit from 2001:

"There is a comment in the VM source tree which stated that the 
ThreadStackSize needed to be increased to 512K in order to build the 
JDK. The 64 bit VM uses twice as much memory as the 32 bit VM so it 
might be worth increasing the ThreadStackSize for the JAVAC operations 
to 1024K for 64 bit builds. The jdk builds currenty use 768K ThreadStacks."

I think this makes it clear that the intention was to increase the size 
of the thread stacks and at the time it was needed to even make it 
build. I believe the JVM has matured enough since then to safely remove 
these options now.


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