RFR: 8252233: Enable debug-image target to support producing a pure debug image package

Andrew Leonard andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com
Fri Aug 28 07:03:01 UTC 2020

Hi Severin,
So yes I guess maybe "debugsymbols-image" is more precise, we call it 
"debugimage" at Adopt, see artifacts: 
that's less of a mouthful and I think we're used to that name, but if the 
community would prefer that?

Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com 

From:   Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf at redhat.com>
To:     Andrew Leonard <andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com>, 
build-dev at openjdk.java.net
Date:   27/08/2020 17:20
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: RFR: 8252233: Enable debug-image target to 
support producing a pure debug image package

Hi Andrew,

On Thu, 2020-08-27 at 16:55 +0100, Andrew Leonard wrote:
> Hi,
> Please may I request a sponsor and review for this build enhancement to 
> provide a pure debug "image", for those developers that want to 
> a straight jdk image with a debug-image when needed:

>     webrev: 

Not really a review...

If I understand this correctly it's an image of only *debugsymbols* for
native files, right? debug-image as a name seems a bit confusing to me.
There is already a concept of 'release', 'fastdebug' and 'slowdebug'
builds for HotSpot. Perhaps calling it debugsymbols-image would make
more sense?


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