RFR: 8257679: Improved unix compatibility layer in Windows build (winenv) [v2]

Jorn Vernee jvernee at openjdk.java.net
Thu Dec 3 22:59:04 UTC 2020

On Thu, 3 Dec 2020 22:21:52 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jvernee at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Overall this is very nice. Some comments and questions inline.
> Hey,
> Since I often work on Windows I'm taking this for a spin, but the current patch fails during `configure` for me with:
> configure: Using default toolchain microsoft (Microsoft Visual Studio)
> configure: Found Visual Studio installation at /cygdrive/j/progra~2/micros~1/2019/community/ using --with-tools-dir
> configure: Found Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
> configure: Trying to extract Visual Studio environment variables for x86_64
> configure: using /cygdrive/j/progra~2/micros~1/2019/community//vc/auxiliary/build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat
> configure: Setting extracted environment variables for x86_64
> fixpath: failure: Directory containing path 'usr\local\bin' does not exist
> checking that Visual Studio variables have been correctly extracted... ok
> checking for cl... [not found]
> configure: error: Could not find a C compiler.
> configure exiting with result code 1
> I think this is because I have my VS installation in a non-default directory passed to `--with-tools-dir`. This is the configure command:
> bash configure \
>   --with-conf-name=windows-release \
>   --with-boot-jdk='/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-15' \
>   --with-jtreg=/cygdrive/h/libs/jtreg-5.1-b01/ \
>   --with-tools-dir='J:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools' \
>   --with-toolchain-version=2019 \
>   --with-jmh=/cygdrive/h/libs/jmh
> (Note that `--with-tools-dir` requires a Windows path for some reason, otherwise configure complains that the VS installation is not valid).
> ---
> Cross-compiling to Linux with WSL works with:
> bash configure \
>   --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
>   --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
>   --with-jtreg=/mnt/h/libs/jtreg-5.1-b01 \
>   --with-conf-name=linux-release \
>   --with-boot-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-15 \
>   --with-jmh=/mnt/h/libs/jmh
> But trying to configure for Windows on WSL with:
> bash configure \
>   --with-conf-name=windows-release-wsl \
>   --with-boot-jdk='/mnt/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-15' \
>   --with-jtreg=/mnt/h/libs/jtreg-5.1-b01/ \
>   --with-tools-dir='J:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools' \
>   --with-toolchain-version=2019 \
>   --with-jmh=/mnt/h/libs/jmh
> Fails with:
> configure: Found potential Boot JDK using configure arguments
> configure: Potential Boot JDK found at /mnt/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-15 is not a working JDK; ignoring
> configure: Output from java -version was: /mnt/h/cygwin64/home/Jorn/cygwin-projects-new/git-jdk2/build/.configure-support/generated-configure.sh: line 56895: -version: command not found
> configure: error: The path given by --with-boot-jdk does not contain a valid Boot JDK
> configure exiting with result code 1
> This is not a configuration I normally use though. Since I've had problems with WSL I usually use Cygwin, so the configure command might not be right (am I missing a target platform flag here? According to the build docs Windows is the default).
> (I'll continue investigating as well)

> @JornVernee Thanks for your feedback! I'll have a closer look at your examples, and see if I can reproduce them in my own environment. One question, your first example, was this from a Cygwin environment?

Yes, sorry, the first example is from running in Cygwin. The problem might be with the Windows path then.
> As a general comment, the idea is that paths to configure options should be in "unix" style. If that is not accepted, it is a bug. (Otoh, I try hard to be tolerant and accept Windows style or mixed-style ("c:/windows") paths as well, but this is not guaranteed to work.)

Okay, the problem might be with the Windows path then. I'll see if I can make some changes and get it to accept a unix path as well.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1597

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