RFR: 8257572: Deprecate the archaic signal-chaining interfaces: sigset and signal

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Dec 7 21:52:12 UTC 2020

On 7/12/2020 11:35 pm, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> On 2020-12-04 21:22, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> On 4/12/2020 12:07 am, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> In general, I would prefer if a flag like this was just inlined in 
>>> the SetupJdkLibrary call, as there are no complex conditionals for 
>>> setting it. Looking a bit further, the variable LIBJSIG_CFLAGS is 
>>> dead and not set anywhere in the build, so could also just be removed 
>>> and replaced with your new -D flag.
>> I thought about just inlining it but it seemed "obvious" that 
>> LIBJSIG_CFLAGS existed exactly for this purpose, so I simply set it 
>> there - taking care to expand it in case it was set directly on the 
>> command-line. It also followed what is done for LIBJLI_CFLAGS.
>> I can change it if you insist but this code will be very short-lived 
>> as I can remove it again in 17 once I no longer need the deprecation 
>> warning.
> If you think there is a case for overriding this on the command line, 
> then sure, we can keep it. From what I can see, this is just a left over 
> from when some more complicated logic was needed, or these flags needed 
> to be reused somewhere else. In the case of libjli, we reuse the flags 
> in several different versions of the SetupJdkLibrary call for libjli. 
> That said, I won't insist strongly on this.

Thanks Erik I appreciate that as I just want to get this pushed ASAP.


> /Erik

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