macOS build success but codesign fail on macOS 10.13.5 or older

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Fri Feb 28 09:04:48 UTC 2020

On 2020-02-28 09:59, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2020-02-27 16:07, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> On 2020-02-27 06:16, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>> I don't think it should be a fatal error. If you have a codesign 
>>> binary on your path that does not support --option runtime, you 
>>> should still be able to build, but not sign. Change it to a warning, 
>>> and let the user continue without CODESIGN.
>> My interpretation of this patch is that the new check is only 
>> performed if a valid --with-macosx-codesign-identity was provided, so 
>> the user has clearly requested signing to be performed. In that case 
>> I agree that it should error out.
> I'm sorry Erik, but that is not open to "interpretation". Look at the 
> code:
>     if test "x$CODESIGN" != "x"; then
>       # Check for user provided code signing identity.
>       # If no identity was provided, fall back to "openjdk_codesign".
>       AC_ARG_WITH([macosx-codesign-identity], 
> [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-macosx-codesign-identity],
>         [specify the code signing identity])],
>         [MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY=$with_macosx_codesign_identity],
>         [MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY=openjdk_codesign]
>       )
>       # Verify that the codesign certificate is present
>       AC_MSG_CHECKING([if codesign certificate is present])
>       $RM codesign-testfile
>       $TOUCH codesign-testfile
>       $CODESIGN -s "$MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" codesign-testfile 
>       $RM codesign-testfile
>       if test "x$CODESIGN" = x; then
>         AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
>       else
>         AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
>        # Verify that the codesign has --option runtime
>        AC_MSG_CHECKING([if codesign has --option runtime])
>        $RM codesign-testfile
>        $TOUCH codesign-testfile
>        $CODESIGN --option runtime -s "$MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" 
> codesign-testfile 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD || CODESIGN=
>        $RM codesign-testfile
>        if test "x$CODESIGN" = x; then
>          AC_MSG_ERROR([codesign does not have --option runtime. macOS 
> 10.13.6 and above is required.])
>        else
>          AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
>        fi
>       fi
>     fi
> This means that if you have a binary named "codesign" on your path, 
> and it does not accept the '--option runtime' argument, configure will 
> fail.
Sorry, my bad: configure will fail if you have codesign, and 
openjdk_codesign is a valid codesign identity, but --option runtime is 
not supported. This does indeed limit the impact of this patch. 
Nevertheless, I still think this is bad design. If the code would e.g. 
check that --with-macosx-codesign-identity was explicitly given on the 
command line, then it would be OK to fail.


> This is not acceptable.
> However, I understand that there is a need to be able to *enforce* 
> signing. I'm actually currently working with a patch that will add 
> --enable-jdk-feature-codesign, and if that is enabled, configure will 
> fail unless a working codesign binary and certificate is present. It 
> will be easy to adapt this change as well. But in the meantime, the 
> AC_MSG_ERROR must be changed to a warning.
> /Magnus

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