gnu make 4.3 breaks the build

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Tue Jan 28 11:02:36 UTC 2020

On 2020-01-27 23:01, Natanael Copa wrote:
> Hi!
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 21:26:17 +0100
> Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie at> wrote:
>> On 2020-01-27 12:37, Natanael Copa wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> this is a follow up on
>>> Alpine linux has bumped into the same issue and it sort of blocking the
>>> security update. I would rather try fix the make issue than roll back
>>> to make 4.2.1.
>>> Downstream mergerequest/report:
>>> It fails on different location even if I run it with JOBS=1, so to
>>> track it down I had to run make clean between each run.
>>> This is the command that fails (I have manually inserted the --debug --trace options):
>> Thanks for the debugging help.
>> I looked at the alpine bug report -- at this point I would not consider
>> this a make bug, since it's more likely that we've got caught on one of
>> their changes. But it might be a regression in make, too. (But even in
>> that case, I'm afraid we'll have to work around it.)
> I filed a bug to make as well.
>>> If I re-run the command (without make clean) it will succeed:
>> My preliminary analysis indicated a problem with our MakeDir macro,
>> which is basically a sophisticated way of calling mkdir -p. If a rerun
>> succeeded, this definitely corroborates this story. It might be a couple
>> of days before I have time to look further into this issue. If you want
>> to delve deeper, have a look at make/common/MakeBase.gmk, especially
>> DependOnVariable and MakeDir.
> I think you are right. I was able to create a test case which I
> submitted to gnu make bug tracker.

I've found the culprit. The "-include" statement does not work properly. 
Manually checking for the existence of the file and then using "include" 
works fine. I would consider this a bug in make. Feel free to pass this 
information along to the upstream make project.

Nevertheless, since this is spotted "in the wild" in a released version 
of GNU make, we need to patch around it. I'll post a patch shortly.


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