RFR [XS]: 8248429: Add --enable-preview as VM argument when running microbenchmarks

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Mon Jul 13 13:47:48 UTC 2020

Hello Peter,

On 2020-07-11 03:00, Peter Levart wrote:
> On 7/11/20 9:31 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> - compile the two sets of benchmarks separately with separate output 
>> directories and create separate benchmarks.jar files for them 
> Here's my attempt at a patch for separate benchmarks.jar files. The 
> minor complication, as I found out, was what to do when running the 
> micro benchmarks via "make test TEST=..." command when there are two 
> possible jar files to choose from. I opted for a separate tag in TEST 
> variable, so preview benchmark(s) are run as follows:
> make test TEST="micro.preview: ..."
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk-dev/8248429_jmh_enable_preview/webrev.02/ 
This generally looks pretty good to me. I will defer to Claes on what 
build steps are actually needed for the new jar file. I agree with Claes 
that having a list of files in the makefile is probably easier to update 
than moving files around. I would recommend something like this:

     org/openjdk/bench/java/io/RecordDeserialization.java \

This variable can then be fed into EXCLUDE_FILES and INCLUDE_FILES 
respectively. The formatting is our recommended way of building lists of 
things in the makefiles where lines can easily be added or removed 
without affecting any adjacent lines to minimize merge conflicts in the 

Otherwise, I would only ask that you try to shorten some lines a bit. We 
aren't strictly enforcing 80 chars, but try to stay close when possible 
for easier side by side reviews and 3-way merges in the future. 
Specifically RunTests.gmk:682 (maybe an intermediate value?) and 


> Regards, Peter

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