OpenJDK 10 zero For Mips32el java -version IncompatilveClassChangeError

Andrew Haley aph at
Mon Jun 8 08:59:10 UTC 2020

On 05/06/2020 23:47, William Larson wrote:

> I need at least OpenJDK 8 for TLS 1.2 support out of the box. I am also
> working with an embedded system that has proprietary code for biometrics
> compiled against a glibc version 2.18. I didn't want to stray too far from
> glibc 2.18 ( which is 2013-2014 time range) as other things in compiling
> start to break down with newer projects.
> Changing the glibc on the system can cause other problems and since I
> cannot recompile the library I need to use in this system I picked a JDK
> close to the compilers I had. I might go to a higher JDK but this is a RAM
> constrained embedded system for which I am already using a zero jvm for. I
> would like to get the Max performance I can get so if another JVM above
> this works and has better performance ( or an earlier version) I would
> consider those.
> I have a qemu for this system and rootfs. Another question I had was can
> you cross compile a zeroshark release or can that only be done natively?
> LLVM does support mips and I would love a JIT compiler
> Thoughts?

10 is unsupported, don't use it. We regularly build OpenJDK 11 on RHEL 6,
which is glibc 2.12.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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