RFR: 8247532, 8248135: Records deserialization is slow + Build microbenchmarks with --enable-preview

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Tue Jun 23 09:27:41 UTC 2020

Looks good to me!


On 2020-06-23 11:17, Peter Levart wrote:
> Including build-dev since this patch is adding new issue 8248135:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248135
> So here's new webrev with a patch for building benchmarks with 
> --enable-preview included:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk-dev/RecordsDeserialization/webrev.08/ 
> Regards, Peter
> On 6/23/20 10:23 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>> On 2020-06-23 10:06, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 2020-06-23 09:49, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris, Claes,
>>>> Ok then, here's with benchmark included:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk-dev/RecordsDeserialization/webrev.07/ 
>>>> I haven't been able to run the benchmark with "make test" though. I 
>>>> have tried various ways to pass javac options to build like:
>>>> make test 
>>>> TEST='micro:org.openjdk.bench.java.io.RecordDeserialization' 
>>>> TEST_OPTS="VM_OPTIONS=--enable-preview --release=16"
>>>> ...but javac doesn't seem to get them. Is there some secret option 
>>>> to achieve that?
>>> Hmm, we might as well have the microbenchmarks build with
>>> --enable-preview on by default. Try this:
>> Fixed:
>> diff -r f2e1cd498381 make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk
>> --- a/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk Tue Jun 23 10:08:35 2020 +0200
>> +++ b/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk Tue Jun 23 10:33:17 2020 +0200
>> @@ -90,10 +90,11 @@
>>      SMALL_JAVA := false, \
>> -    DISABLED_WARNINGS := processing rawtypes cast serial, \
>> +    DISABLED_WARNINGS := processing rawtypes cast serial preview, \
>>      JAVA_FLAGS := --add-modules jdk.unsupported --limit-modules 
>> java.management, \
>> +    JAVAC_FLAGS := --enable-preview, \
>>  ))
>> I verified this works with your micro, and doesn't seem to cause
>> any issues elsewhere:
>>  make test TEST=micro:RecordDeserialization
>> I can shepherd this as a separate fix for documentation purposes, but
>> feel free to include it in your patch and ping build-dev at ..
>> /Claes
>>> diff -r 52741f85bf23 make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk
>>> --- a/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk    Tue Jun 23 09:54:42 2020 
>>> +0200
>>> +++ b/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk    Tue Jun 23 09:59:29 2020 
>>> +0200
>>> @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
>>>       DISABLED_WARNINGS := processing rawtypes cast serial, \
>>>       SRC := $(MICROBENCHMARK_SRC), \
>>> -    JAVA_FLAGS := --add-modules jdk.unsupported --limit-modules 
>>> java.management, \
>>> +    JAVA_FLAGS := --enable-preview --add-modules jdk.unsupported 
>>> --limit-modules java.management, \
>>>   ))
>>>> Otherwise, I simulated what would happen when there are more then 10 
>>>> ObjectStreamClass layouts for same class rapidly interchanging, so 
>>>> that they push each other out of the cache, by temporarily setting 
>>>> cache's MAX_SIZE = 0. Note that this is worst case scenario:
>>>> Benchmark                                      (length)  Mode Cnt 
>>>> Score    Error  Units
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses        10 avgt   10 
>>>> 9.393 ±  0.287  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses       100 avgt   10 
>>>> 35.642 ±  0.977  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses      1000 avgt   10 
>>>> 293.769 ±  7.321  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords        10 avgt   10 
>>>> 15.335 ±  0.496  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords       100 avgt   10 
>>>> 211.427 ± 11.908  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords      1000 avgt   10 
>>>> 990.398 ± 26.681  us/op
>>>> This is using JMH option '-gc true' to force GC after each iteration 
>>>> of benchmark. Without it, I get a big (~4s) full-GC pause just in 
>>>> the middle of a run with length=100:
>>>> Iteration   1: 528.577 us/op
>>>> Iteration   2: 580.404 us/op
>>>> Iteration   3: 4438.228 us/op
>>>> Iteration   4: 644.532 us/op
>>>> Iteration   5: 698.493 us/op
>>>> Iteration   6: 800.738 us/op
>>>> Iteration   7: 929.791 us/op
>>>> Iteration   8: 870.946 us/op
>>>> Iteration   9: 863.416 us/op
>>>> Iteration  10: 916.508 us/op
>>>> ...so results are a bit off because of that:
>>>> Benchmark                                      (length)  Mode 
>>>> Cnt     Score      Error  Units
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses        10 avgt 10     
>>>> 8.263 ±    0.043  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses       100 avgt   10 
>>>> 33.406 ±    0.160  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeClasses      1000 avgt   10 
>>>> 287.595 ±    0.960  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords        10 avgt   10 
>>>> 15.270 ±    0.080  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords       100 avgt   10 
>>>> 1127.163 ± 1771.892  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserializationBench.deserializeRecords      1000 avgt   10 
>>>> 2003.235 ±  227.159  us/op
>>>> Yes, there is quite a bit of GCing going on when cache is thrashing. 
>>>> Note that I haven't tuned GC in any way and I'm running this on a 
>>>> machine with 64GiB of RAM so heap is allowed to grow quite big and 
>>>> G1 is used by default I think.
>>>> This is still no worse than before the patch:
>>>> Benchmark                                 (length)  Mode Cnt 
>>>> Score    Error  Units
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeClasses        10  avgt 10 8.382 :  
>>>> 0.013  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeClasses       100  avgt 10 33.736 
>>>> :  0.171  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeClasses      1000  avgt 10 271.224 
>>>> :  0.953  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeRecords        10  avgt 10 58.606 
>>>> :  0.446  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeRecords       100  avgt 10 530.044 
>>>> :  1.752  us/op
>>>> RecordDeserialization.deserializeRecords      1000  avgt   10 
>>>> 5335.624 : 44.942  us/op
>>>> ... since caching of adapted method handle for multiple objects 
>>>> withing single stream is still effective.
>>>> I doubt there will ever be more than 10 variants/versions of the 
>>>> same record class deserialized by the same VM and in rapid 
>>>> succession, so I think this should not be an issue. We could add a 
>>>> system property to control the MAX_SIZE of cache if you think it is 
>>>> needed.
>>> Thanks for running the numbers on this, and I agree - it seems
>>> outlandishly improbable (most will only see one, and if you have to
>>> maintain 10+ different serialized shapes of some record you likely 
>>> have bigger problems).
>>> I'd say let's keep it constant unless someone actually asks for it.
>>> /Claes
>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>> On 6/22/20 1:04 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> patch and results look great!
>>>>> My only real comment on this is that I think the microbenchmark 
>>>>> would be
>>>>> a valuable contribution, too.
>>>>> It'd also be interesting to explore how poor performance would 
>>>>> become if
>>>>> we'd hit the (artificial) 11 layouts limit, e.g, by cycling through
>>>>> 10, 11, or 12 different shapes.
>>>>> /Claes
>>>>> On 2020-06-21 19:16, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> When re-running the benchmark [1] with different lengths of 
>>>>>> serialized arrays of records, I found that, compared to classical 
>>>>>> classes, lookup into the cache of adapted method handles starts to 
>>>>>> show when the length of array is larger (# of instances of same 
>>>>>> record type deserialized in single stream). Each record 
>>>>>> deserialized must lookup the method handle in a ConcurrentHashMap:
>>>>>> Benchmark                                    (length) Mode Cnt 
>>>>>> Score   Error  Units
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses        10 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 8.088 ± 0.013  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses       100 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 32.171 ± 0.324  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses      1000 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 279.762 ± 3.072  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords        10 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 9.011 ± 0.027  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords       100 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 33.206 ± 0.514  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords      1000 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 325.137 ± 0.969  us/op
>>>>>> ...so keeping the correctly shaped adapted method handle in the 
>>>>>> per-serialization-session ObjectStreamClass instance [2] starts to 
>>>>>> make sense:
>>>>>> Benchmark                                    (length) Mode Cnt 
>>>>>> Score   Error  Units
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses        10 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 8.681 ± 0.155  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses       100 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 32.496 ± 0.087  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeClasses      1000 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 279.014 ± 1.189  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords        10 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 8.537 ± 0.032  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords       100 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 31.451 ± 0.083  us/op
>>>>>> RecordSerializationBench.deserializeRecords      1000 avgt 10 
>>>>>> 250.854 ± 2.772  us/op
>>>>>> With that, more objects means advantage over classical classes 
>>>>>> instead of disadvantage.
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk-dev/RecordsDeserialization/RecordSerializationBench.java 
>>>>>> [2] 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk-dev/RecordsDeserialization/webrev.06/ 
>>>>>> Regards, Peter

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