[EXTERNAL] Re: macOS build success but codesign fail on macOS 10.13.5 or older

Junyuan Zheng Junyuan.Zheng at microsoft.com
Tue Mar 10 23:47:00 UTC 2020

Hi Erik, Magnus,

Thank you for reviewing this. Please let me know what's the next step
and if you'd like me to help with backporting this change or anything.



From: Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com>

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 6:26 AM

To: Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com>; Junyuan Zheng <Junyuan.Zheng at microsoft.com>; build-dev at openjdk.java.net <build-dev at openjdk.java.net>

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: macOS build success but codesign fail on macOS 10.13.5 or older


On 2020-02-28 01:04, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

> On 2020-02-28 09:59, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

>> On 2020-02-27 16:07, Erik Joelsson wrote:

>>> On 2020-02-27 06:16, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

>>>> I don't think it should be a fatal error. If you have a codesign 

>>>> binary on your path that does not support --option runtime, you 

>>>> should still be able to build, but not sign. Change it to a 

>>>> warning, and let the user continue without CODESIGN.


>>> My interpretation of this patch is that the new check is only 

>>> performed if a valid --with-macosx-codesign-identity was provided, 

>>> so the user has clearly requested signing to be performed. In that 

>>> case I agree that it should error out.


>> I'm sorry Erik, but that is not open to "interpretation". Look at the 

>> code:


>>     UTIL_PATH_PROGS(CODESIGN, codesign)


>>     if test "x$CODESIGN" != "x"; then

>>       # Check for user provided code signing identity.

>>       # If no identity was provided, fall back to "openjdk_codesign".

>>       AC_ARG_WITH([macosx-codesign-identity], 

>> [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-macosx-codesign-identity],

>>         [specify the code signing identity])],

>> [MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY=$with_macosx_codesign_identity],

>>         [MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY=openjdk_codesign]

>>       )




>>       # Verify that the codesign certificate is present

>>       AC_MSG_CHECKING([if codesign certificate is present])

>>       $RM codesign-testfile

>>       $TOUCH codesign-testfile

>>       $CODESIGN -s "$MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" codesign-testfile 


>>       $RM codesign-testfile

>>       if test "x$CODESIGN" = x; then

>>         AC_MSG_RESULT([no])

>>       else

>>         AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])

>>        # Verify that the codesign has --option runtime

>>        AC_MSG_CHECKING([if codesign has --option runtime])

>>        $RM codesign-testfile

>>        $TOUCH codesign-testfile

>>        $CODESIGN --option runtime -s "$MACOSX_CODESIGN_IDENTITY" 

>> codesign-testfile 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD || CODESIGN=

>>        $RM codesign-testfile

>>        if test "x$CODESIGN" = x; then

>>          AC_MSG_ERROR([codesign does not have --option runtime. macOS 

>> 10.13.6 and above is required.])

>>        else

>>          AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])

>>        fi

>>       fi

>>     fi


>> This means that if you have a binary named "codesign" on your path, 

>> and it does not accept the '--option runtime' argument, configure 

>> will fail.

> Sorry, my bad: configure will fail if you have codesign, and 

> openjdk_codesign is a valid codesign identity, but --option runtime is 

> not supported. This does indeed limit the impact of this patch. 

> Nevertheless, I still think this is bad design. If the code would e.g. 

> check that --with-macosx-codesign-identity was explicitly given on the 

> command line, then it would be OK to fail.


I agree that an explicit check that --with-macosx-codesign-identity was 

set would make the code clearer. The point is that if you have a valid 

identity defined, but you are building on an older MacOS version so the 

--option runtime is not supported, the build will unconditionally fail 

at the first signing attempt anyway. This is the proper fail fast mechanism.

On a side note, there is also no point in supporting signing on older 

macs without the --option runtime because such signatures are basically 

useless today.


> /Magnus



>> This is not acceptable.


>> However, I understand that there is a need to be able to *enforce* 

>> signing. I'm actually currently working with a patch that will add 

>> --enable-jdk-feature-codesign, and if that is enabled, configure will 

>> fail unless a working codesign binary and certificate is present. It 

>> will be easy to adapt this change as well. But in the meantime, the 

>> AC_MSG_ERROR must be changed to a warning.


>> /Magnus


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